Stomach strain: I’ve had ibs for years but over... - IBS Network

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Stomach strain

Peppermint3 profile image
12 Replies

I’ve had ibs for years but over the last year my symptoms have got a whole lot worse. What used to be cramping with diarrhoea has now turned into the most horrendous pain without need of a bowel movement that leaves me faint & unable to stand. The next day after I have an attack every muscle in my torso feels strained & even the slightest movement hurts them. The GP prescribed amitriptyline 30mg which doesn’t seem to work. I’m getting a bit worried about the effects on my body these attacks are having as when they happen I feel like something inside me is about to rupture. I’m sorry for sounding so melodramatic! It’s so embarrassing when I get an attack thankfully they’ve mainly happened during the night but I’ve had one at work & one out whilst walking & on these occasions I was writhing around on the floor in agony. I just wanted to know if anybody had similar symptoms especially the stomach strain that I’m left with

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Peppermint3 profile image
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12 Replies
FRreedman profile image

Something is obviously wrong, and I would ask for a referral to a GO consultant, just to make sure that it is your ONE playing up, and nothing new or sinister. Remember pain is only an alarm signal that something is wrong, you wouldn't, generally, turn off an alarm, without checking to see what caused it to go off.

Peppermint3 profile image
Peppermint3 in reply to FRreedman

Thanks for your reply, it’s nice to know there are other people out there who understands. I’ve actually stopped my husband asking me about it as I feel so pathetic talking about it, it’s bad enough he’s had to witness me writhing about in agony. He’s really sympathetic but I’m sure there’s part of him that thinks I’m being a massive drama queen! I know if the roles were reversed I’d think that! I’ve made an appointment with my GP for next Friday & I’m going to say I’ll continue on the meds for another month & exercise more. I’ll even stick to the FODMAP guide & if that doesn’t work I’ll say I want a referral. I’ve always been able to deal with the cramps & diarrhoea but these attacks I’m getting are on another level.

yogaman profile image

Hi Peppermint,

I had success with AMitrip for a while along Omproprozole( for stomach issues) however after about 4 months I was back to square one.

30 Mg. should help you after a month or so. I could not take more then 10 Mg without being a zombie.

Brain and gut issues are very closely tied so you need to find maybe an antidepressant like Paxil or perhaps Zoloft( I am on) to help.

Good luck, this is a long journey and doctors do not know quite how to deal with it

Peppermint3 profile image
Peppermint3 in reply to yogaman

Thanks for your reply, I’ll have a look into those although I hate the thought of being on so many meds. I currently take mebeverine 3 times a day, lanzoprazole for about a week after a bad attack & amitriptyline every night. I’m guessing by your name that you are into yoga. I’m thinking of taking that up or perhaps Pilates to see if that helps. I read an interesting article yesterday about bloating & how having weak stomach muscles can make it worse. The bloating at the moment is one of the major problems with my stomach strain. I just wish they had a tablet that dissolved gas, I’d take those like a shot!

Lizzypick profile image

I was like you for years and it got worse. My daughter, who is a nurse, took me to another doctor and the following week I was sent for a colonoscopy which showed I had Diverticulitis which is a bowel disease. I must have had it for a long time because every part of my bowels has it. Please go to your doctor and ask for a colonoscopy, I'm sure that's what you have....without a doubt. Good luck💖

Peppermint3 profile image
Peppermint3 in reply to Lizzypick

Thanks Lizzypick, that’s really useful information. I have wondered if it might be diverticulitis because when I read up on Ibs it just refers to cramping not the pain I get. The first time it happened I went to A&E as I thought I had a burst appendix. So did the doctors at first as I was doubled up with pain & was pale & sweating, as soon as they realised it wasn’t they made me feel like a total time waster. I honestly feel like I’m going to die when I get an attack as it feels like my stomach or intestines are going to burst. Im still recovering from an attack from Wednesday, it wasn’t as bad as usual, maybe the amitriptyline has taken the edge off but the after effects have lasted longer & have felt worse. My stomach feels so strained, I can’t lie on my side & it’s painful to urinate (sorry for that info). I think you’ve definitely given me the confidence to ask for a colonoscopy.

Lizzypick profile image
Lizzypick in reply to Peppermint3

Please get a colonoscopy ASAP, you have all the symptoms and Amatrip won't help you at all, it's strong antibiotics you need to get rid of your infected bowel. I was ill for a long time with it and it's a life changing condition, change of diet is imperative and as soon as your diagnosed with it the better. Good luck xxx

Peppermint3 profile image
Peppermint3 in reply to Lizzypick

I went to the doctors today, it took a while as my previous appointment got cancelled. Anyway she was very nice & I didn’t have to ask for a colonoscopy she just told me it was time to have one & to also get my bloods done. I mentioned Diverticulitis & she said there was a strong possibility it could be that. It was nice talking to a doctor who didn’t make me feel like I was wasting their time.

Katerina1 profile image

Hello Peppermint3, It sounds like the advice here to get a colonoscopy it the way to go. Blood tests too I would think. Your experiences sound horrible and surely mean more investigation is needed as soon as possible. I can relate to your experiences and following a colonoscopy a few years ago they found extensive diverticular disease plus a diagnosis of IBS. I have been worried for many years about the strain on my insides from 'attacks', it's scary, but doctors seems to think they don't do any damage. Diverticula can get infected and make you very ill. They can also cause a lot of problems or sometimes none.

Peppermint3 profile image
Peppermint3 in reply to Katerina1

Hi Katerina thanks for your reply. Can I ask how often was the severe pain & how long did it last? I’ve only had three episodes in the last 12 months but each time I’ve had several ‘attacks’ over a few weeks & then when I’ve recovered from them I just get a few niggly pains on my right side & then my normal ibs cramps every now & again. Did your pain stop & start. After reading more on diverticulitis it sounds like you need antibiotics to clear it up so I was wondering if I had it how would I be having periods when I’m okay again?

Katerina1 profile image
Katerina1 in reply to Peppermint3

Hello Peppermint3, the frequency of mysevere pain has varied. It usually starts with a few crampy pains in abdomen, often starts on my right side and is followed by severe cramping diarrhea plus hot and cold sweats and feeling faint with pain. It can last a few hours, or on a better day a few minutes. The first time it happened I passed out in the bathroom (bruised face). My GP didn't seem bothered. Several attacks over the years, just unpredictable and yes, it just stops and starts. The last two or three years I've thankfully had only one really bad pain attack and the pain levels when I get an IBS attack have been more manageable, so hopefully yours may calm down. The information about diverticulitis seems to suggest that many people who have it don't have any symptoms or that the symptoms come and go, but I don't think they know why. I'm not sure how they test for infected diverticula, but suppose it would show up as fever or in a blood test. Maybe the pain is caused from faecal matter getting trapped in the pouches. Not sure how it's possible to differentiate between pain etc from IBS or from diverticula disease. Good luck with your testing. Katerina 1.

Peppermint3 profile image

Just a bit of an update. I got the results of my colonoscopy & mri scan. There is nothing wrong with my colon but the scan has picked up tissue growing on my ovaries. The consultant thinks it’s endometriosis. I’m a bit shocked to be honest as I’ve had ivf twice which failed & I was told I had unexplained infertility. I can’t believe this hasn’t been picked up before. The consultant has booked me in for another mri scan & asked my gp to refer me to a gynaecologist at the same hospital. At least I know what the pain is from now however it’s too late if it’s the cause of my fertility issue as I’m now 43

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