Well after waiting many weeks for colonoscopy .here is my story.the run up to it 3 days before and picolax.starving,projectile vomiting from rectum .got through that bit ok..before colonoscopy with nervous anxious trembling .blood pressure and heart rate went high,but was assured it will be ok.gave me slight sedative and tube through nose for oxygen and the fancy pants with a whole at the back,I can honestly say was awake watching the screen and chatting to nurses who held my hand all the time and reassuring me at all times.my colon was very clean from debris.which is very important .i never felt any pain whatsoever .i was waiting for it (having read all the horror stories on Google) was petrified to say the least.probably took about 30 mins then cup of tea and biscuits.dressed and walked to the car where my husband was waiting with a nurse .given paper work with the findings .Diverticulosis with many pouches.my original diagnosis was severe cramping pains,excessive wind,bloating .had it for months before going to docs.who suggested colonoscopy to rule out any nasties..the condition does resemble IBS if not diagnosed which at the end of the day is all about diet .my diet is very good,a good probiotic in morning.fruit,veggies and high fibre but still suffered with severe constipation .so my problem is to keep my bowels regular .because if poop gets stuck in colon can end up getting infected then without going into details can cause all sorts of problems .trouble is the doctors just dismiss tummy troubles as trivial .but as I was older my doctor was on the thoughts of bowel cancer .so I was relieved to find it negative.my answer is keep nagging your doctors for tests if you are troubled for a while with constant pain .i am glad even though I was shitting myself pardon the pun .as this could have ended me up in A and E so caught in time.thank god .i have found good old fashioned Epsom salts in the morning every now and then as a good clean out for me .its natural so is better than all the rest .i hope this experience can help someone as my heart goes out to everyone that can't get answers.may I say thank you to everyone on this network that got me through this.
As promised update on my colonoscopy - IBS Network
As promised update on my colonoscopy

So pleased for you, colonoscopy is really a cake walk, not at all to be feared, glad you had good news, I was the same, diagnosed with Diverticulitis, given anti biotics and it improved, but it never seems to go away, I like you suffer with constipation, sometimes I think I'm going to need a bomb to shift me, that's why it can recur, hope you feel easier now.
Can I ask you have you found anything that helps you .yes I was relieved no cancer but now the hard work to find what will help me.
Hi Jaycee .reading back on your post I had a big flare up Sunday and today no better.i am finding being constipated brings on the stomach problems I.e cramps trapped wind.went to chemist this morning and coincidently the sales assistant suffered from diverculosis and told me to use lactulose daily it will be softer that most laxatives and easier to go.and highly recommended colpermin IBS capsules .i am trying them today and will let you know how I get on in case it helps you ok..everything is trial and error
Hi Gettingoldnow, sorry to hear that but good that you got somone who understood, let me know how you get on wih the Colperin tabs, I've not heard of them but will be interested to hear how it goes,, hope you keep well, oh, and by the way, I am getting old now as well, bugger, isn't it. LOL.
Ah thanks.i find a actimal and banana in the morning quite soothing on the gut .and some low fibre foods .hope you keep as well as you can and thanks for your reply .
Hmmmm, yes, diverticulitis is a bummer, to speak, but there are ways out, especially avoiding constipation. Begin by drinking a lot of mineral water. And keep up with magnesium supplements, 300 mgm magnesium a day at least.
Senna helps soften the turds, preventing them building up and compacting; but the real secret is to gradually introduce psyllium husk into the diet, I used it with an oatmeal breakfast. That bulks up the faeces, softening them too.
The other thing to consider is using glycerine suppositories to break up any impacted constipation; I found that worked wonders.
Avoid straining, that encourages impaction and hemorrhoids.
Thanks for reply .most helpful will try these ,I have nothing to lose .they say high fibre but my gut does not accept to much ,but appreciate must have some but suppose trial and error is the key.thanks again
Very impreseed with your write up,do you do the bowel screening every two years ?
Hi there I was doing the self thing that came through the post .always came back clear but they are only a guide .it picks up blood in poo .first colonoscopy I had .hopefully no more lol .it was .the easy bit .the clearing out the gut with picolax was the hardest.having to be right on top of toilet .
I too had tests and a CT scan and was diagnosed with diverticulosis, so was relieved no sign of cancer. However, I also suffer with IBS so the two things get tangled up! I seem either to have diarrhea or constipation and the only thing which helps the stomach gripes and allows me to go out without worry is Codeine Phosphate tablets which don't cause constipation quite so badly as Imodium. Guess we just have to grin and bear it..... Thanks for your post.
Poor you .must be a nightmare having both .been looking at the phosphates and found out they have same ingredients as Epsom salts ? I do hope you have some relief .its no picnic is it .i have a follow up a week Tuesday with doctors so will see what he has to say.probably more fibre and fluid.which is not always the case with each patient.my diet has always been pretty good.i make most of my own meals and freeze.so am baffled but just think today's foods are so processed .and a lot of things are added to bulk them out to keep them cheap.hence why more people than ever are getting IBS and diverticulosis .just my theory .i am the older generation so see loads of change in foods today.
So glad to hear that you don't have bowel cancer - just IBS.
If you are looking for other natural sources of magnesium to help with constipation, this article may be of interest: sickofibs.com/diet/constipa...

Thanks will look at that link.its not IBS but diverticulosis with pockets but still dietary whatever way you look at it .i do wish someone in the food industry would look at the junk they are adding to food.i try and cook from scratch where possible .thanks again for the link .
HI! Gettingoldnow, thank you for sharing this. I have put off having a colonoscopy for nearly a year. In the end it was a 'friend' in our local swimming pool who told me to just get on with it. He had one some time back and shares your feelings about the whole process. On top of that as he said those of us who suffer from IBS type symptoms really do need to get the 'monkey off our back' and find out what if anything is the cause. In reality it is a win/win procedure. If there is in fact a recognisable cause then treatment can be started (the earlier the better) and if no cause is found it helps us get on with our lives without all the stress and worry about 'what if' hanging around.
I am due for my colonoscopy in 9 days time and feel less stressed than I was due to comments like yours. I will share my own experience after the event.
Take care and may your future be one of comfort and relief from distress.
Please do have it done.it puts your mind at rest..as anxiety makes it worse.it really is nothing to worry about.i got some johnsons wet wipes(water only) for wiping bottom after going.then Vaseline for sore bottom as everyone said your bottom gets sore with the picolax .well I never had a sore bottom or any pain from colonoscopy .did have mild sedative but I watched it on screen and chatted to nurses .now I am a wuss when it comes to procedures and I was ok.i am sure you will to.mine was done at private clinic so don't know. If this makes any difference it should not do as procedure is the same.please do give us an update when complete and don't worry .good luck