Today is the start of a few days of prep before my colonoscopy on Weds. For those of you who are familiar with the process you can hopefully appreciate just how counter intuative it is to take super strong laxatives when you already suffer from IBS-D. I have had a colonoscopy before but feel more apprehensive about it this this because of the day of the laxatives. Yuck!!!! Just sharing....
Colonoscopy on Weds: Today is the start of a few... - IBS Network
Colonoscopy on Weds

Good luck I've been through it twice horrible prep but soon forgotten afterwards.All the best.
Hope you went through it okay!
I had a colonoscopy some weeks ago everyone was telling me how awful the drink was and I was also warned to take the 4 sachets of powder for the drinks.For sure everything terrified me so with that information I hardly ate anything for the 2 weeks before so even with the drinks not a lot came out.So as you can imagine I was starving and terrified at the thought of being violated(I'm not good at dealing with that side of things)On the day I can say I was treated with the best care can't fault a thing, but ended crying my eyes out being on the gas and air ,it really brought the lower depths of depression to the surface.Now it's weeks later not heard the results as yet and still have the same symptoms of rushing to the loo
Oh no; they didn’t give you sedation? Poor you!!! I was asked if I wanted gas and air but said no. You still haven’t heard anything? I wonder if that is because all is well (as in; nothing serious was found) because they would have told you straight away otherwise. I really feel for you because I imagine I will be in the same boat where they find nothing but I don’t improve x
I've had bowel problems since June have been evacuating automatically. I can't go anywhere without a toilet being 5 metres away from me x
Mostly yes x
No because I don't know what I have as yet.. xx
Thank you ,Jen x
Hello I had months of absolute terror imagining all sorts. I could not believe my symptoms were down to IBS as I had had it for years but never so bad. I had even lost over a stone in a matter of 2 months. They told me there and then they could not see anything bad but took a number biopsy's. Came back clear except for discolouration caused by use of laxatives. Now since the "clear out" and procedure I feel so much better. Now is it lack of stress and relief l ask myself. I don't know but straight after the procedure I stopped tasking omoprazole and allowed my gut to grow healthy again. Well that was the plan. I guessed that as everything was gone it might be the time to allow it to recover and gown some good bacteria. It seems to have improved greatly. Just an idea. Good luck. Its really not so bad.
Hi Jen,
It's not the best experience on the planet - but you will be OK.
The laxatives are to make sure that your system is completely cleared out so they can have a good look around. Not fun, but necessary.
It's good that you are having a colonoscopy done. It will take out some of the "What ifs?"
You just need to get this out of the way.
Alison x

Thank you Alison. I have to start the laxatives at midday today. What a treat!!! To top it off; I now have a bad cold - so not great timing but at least it is a distraction from the tummy focus (trying to look on the bright side!). x
Maybe this will get the colonoscopy and Christmas cold done with at the same time, so you can enjoy next week
I had a colonoscopy 2 years ago and like one of the other people commenting I found that my symptoms disappeared almost over night..a bit like it reset my system. The prep is by far the worst part. I had the sedation and honestly had no discomfort at all.. obviously slightly embarrassing at first but remember they're doing this every day! Good luck. I hope you get the results you crave
Thank you. Currently feeling totally wiped out. I couldn’t drink my second litre of laxative drink cos all the liquid was making me feel sick 😥