Dairy : Hi wondered if anyone had suddenly... - IBS Network

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Button11 profile image
28 Replies

Hi wondered if anyone had suddenly become sensitive to dairy products literally like overnight kind of thing. I think it's that that's making me feel very nauseous and windy.

I take probiotics that are meant to help lactose intolerance apparently but it seems to have started while I was taking them or got worse so that I noticed it as dairy( i kept a food diary several months before and couldn't pinpoint anything)

Thank :)

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28 Replies
LokiX profile image

Hi there - took me a while to realise I may be lactose intolerant. I tried a lactose free diet for a few weeks, wasn't sure it was as effective as somehow I'd expected it to be (still hoping for that miracle cure!!) so went back to "ordinary" dairy. That's when I noticed the difference, having cut out lactose then re-introducing it. I'm now on a lactose-free regime. I prefer "Arla" lactose-free products, rather than soya based milk but that's a personal taste. Also have realised that eating certain fat-containing foods can (not always) result in the symptoms you describe. You could perhaps try the experiment I did before totally committing to lactose-free. I find that one of the most horrible things about IBS is never really being sure what is likely to trigger an attack of related symptoms. Often seems that what I happily ate with no effect, say last week, will this week "be out to get me!" Think I've read that because probiotics alter the gut flora they can also contribute to the symptoms you describe until everything settles down. Hope you find something to help you soon.


Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to LokiX

LokiX thank you for your reply. It is so hard to tell what it is sometimes I eat cheese and I'm fine next I'm not and I'm also eating more gluten free as my partner was diagnosed celiac.

It's all so confusing how the body is fine one day then not the next don't know how we're meant to spot the cause lol

Thanks again

LokiX profile image
LokiX in reply to Button11

I'm now totally gluten-free. Last year a particularly nasty bout of diarrhoea & other symptoms that didn't seem to want to let up made me decide to have a look at the Coeliac Society website & answer the short questionnaire on there. The answers indicated I could well be gluten-intolerant, so I put myself on a GF diet (but my GP is aware of this) to see if that would help. It did. I've joined the Society, so am kept aware of new products etc on the market & the "dictionary " of GF food & drink is really useful. There are so many things on supermarket shelves for gluten-intolerant people BUT you may well want to check out labels & ingredients before you buy as quite a lot of these things are very high in sugar & not always the healthiest options by far, especially the cereals & breads. I tend to buy the GF "thins" - just enough bread to satisfy! Lots of "eateries" now offer GF options too, so eating out can be ok. Gluten-free I might be, but, alas, IBS free I'm not, as obviously there are triggers other than gluten to set that off! I know exactly what you mean about cheese. According to my "Fodmap Navigator", Chedder cheese is an "ok" &, in the main, I'll agree with that, but, like you, this can still do a "gotcha" when I least expect it. Regarding how to spot what, at any given time, is likely to cause an attack ( & I think most IBS sufferers might agree with this) our "mindset" plays a really important part - I'm prone to anxiety & that's for sure a trigger!. Sorry this reply has been so long, but hope some of it, at least, may be useful.


Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to LokiX

LokiX no I've noticed a lot of anxiety links too as I have anxiety myself and recently doc gave me antidepressants but I am yet to take ( been very reluctant to accent the prescription) I'm so afraid to take them but it could also be the solution

Thank you again for your help

CRYSTAL11 profile image
CRYSTAL11 in reply to Button11

I have the same problem. I haven't had dairy in 30 years. The thing is I am now gluten free and that seems to be helping the dairy. I am now able to have some dairy. I have done some reading up and if you are gluten intolerant then dairy can also be a problem.

Anxiouspony12 profile image

Well I'm lactose intolerant I was bad as a little kid then it went away then it came back. So it maybe never went away totally. Just didn't know what it was then. I find I'm much better off with non dairy milk myself and it's nice too! I like almond an cashew best! I kind it need to cut out eggs and cheese also but it's tough to do so one step at a time. Don't know if that helps.

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Anxiouspony12

Anxiouspony12 thank you for your reply.

I have been having soya milk at breakfast and still get slight sick feeling but not as much. I think eggs might be a problem for me too. I'm not sure if taking the probiotics are helping my stools form more and if I wasn't taking them I'd be a lot worse but I'm to afraid to stop them incase that is the case

Anxiouspony12 profile image
Anxiouspony12 in reply to Button11

Maybe try the other kinds of milk then. Cos I can't have soya milk at all I have intolerance to it. I got very severe cramps and very ill when I had very small amounts. It's weird cos I'm vegetarian trying to go vegan eventually and I'm fine with the soy in burgers and such so wonder if it's actually a different kind of soy they put in the milk. I think there's different processes to make it. I can eat the meat but not have te milk isn't that strange? Well it doesn't surprise me with eggs cos they can bloat the stomach a friend told me. I can't tolerate omelette anymore as too many eggs in them. It's a weird thing isn't it this IBS?! I not tried probiotics myself. What do they do then? Is it to do with gut bacteria?

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Anxiouspony12

Anxiouspony12 that is strange I thought soya was all the same from plants. I'm not to sure what they do to be honest just meant to add good bacteria into the gut to aid digestion and general health apparently

Anxiouspony12 profile image
Anxiouspony12 in reply to Button11

I think that you get fermented and unfermented types so I guess they use different types for different things. Well I suppose meat is different to milk so it makes sense now I think about it. Oh I see thanks yeah it adds good bacteria. That makes me smile cos I'm thinking the other kind is bad bacteria like it has personality .😂

Nicki1984 profile image

Try taking a digestive enzyme supplement that contains lactase. Lactase is the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose. Sometimes we can be lacking in these enzymes which makes us sensitive to these foods. Also worth going dairy free or at least choosing lactose free products x

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to Nicki1984

Ps I think it's important to take the enzymes as well as a probiotic as they work as a team in supporting digestion xx

Jane2510 profile image
Jane2510 in reply to Nicki1984

Hi there,

I had a lactose intolerance test done yesterday which showed negative.

However it did still give me a rather Nasty stomach upset.

The nurse who did it said that as I'd said I felt I'd had this from being a small child that maybe I was lactose intolerant but grew out of it and now am just super sensitive to it.

We also discussed how one day a food is okay but another not and I do think it could be fodmaps and how many eaten during a day that might lead to over doing it and getting poorly???

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Nicki1984

Nicki1984 ah right thank you it's all so much to learn about isn't it and you read so many different things! But I'll look into that

Mum0fBoys profile image

I found that my dairy intolerance got much, much worse about 10 years ago. I don't even eat food containing milk now. I check all ingredients, so many products contain milk, for example bread in supermarket bakeries and margarine. Since removing all milk from my diet I feel so much better.

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Mum0fBoys

Mum0fBoys its strange how it just comes from nowhere isn't it, it's so horrible milk is in so much! And no chocolate :(! Glad it made you feel better though since removing dairy

Anxiouspony12 profile image

Thanks for the info. 😊 I just looked it up and that's right I know now what to have more of in my diet.

Button11 profile image

xOceanx how do you find the difference?

I have found that since I have been buying Lactose free I am better for sure although I did buy some normal cheddar cheese yesterday as of course it's much cheaper and yes, you've probably guessed, it, I was feeling yukky (not quite nauseous) after eating it. When I had lunch out a couple of weeks ago (I had scrambled egg on sourdough bread with smoked salmon) I took my own milk and they made the scrambled egg with the milk and omitted the butter. I thought I would be absolutely fine but I wasn't as I had nausea about 2 hours later. I can only put it down to either the smoked salmon (although someone on here said it would have been that) or the scrambled egg i.e. can I really eat scrambled eggs - I don't know!! It really is a guessing game on what you can and cannot eat.

My daughter was getting sickness and diarrhoea and didn't know what it was then she thought she would cut the dairy out of her diet i.e. go Lactose free and she is so much better.

casares8 profile image
casares8 in reply to

Oh god that reminds me of a few Christmas's ago when i decided to have scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for a treat for breakfast! Never knew for sure that it was that but i was in bed ill on Boxing day, and i had been really careful with my Xmas dinner. Never been able to eat it since, esp the eggs.

in reply to casares8

It's either the scrambled eggs or the salmon but not sure which as the scrambled eggs were made with Lactose free milk. I will have to try the salmon and scrambled eggs on separate occasions and see which one disagrees with me.

Mum0fBoys profile image
Mum0fBoys in reply to

Could be milk in the bread or the margarine... this is enough to make me feel queasy! (Sad but true)

in reply to Mum0fBoys

They didn't use any kind of spread i.e. margarine but didn't think about milk in the bread. It's an absolute minefield on what we can and cannot eat :(

cpidoc profile image

Have you looked at A2 milk? a2milk.co.uk/

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to cpidoc

cpidoc oh that's interesting thank you

in reply to cpidoc

I've just had a look at that and see that most stores stock the milk and I see from the reviews that it's easier for the digestive system. Thank you

Hobbits profile image

Yes, you can become lactose intolerant overnight. Most babies are born with the enzymes in their guts to digest milk. In your early teens your body no longer needs milk and in a lot of people their body just stops making the enzyme and then one day BINGO you start getting all kinds of upsets when you have milk. Your body can stop making this enzyme at anytime, but if you once could have milk and then can't this is likely why. My Gastro told me this many years ago. It made sense since up until 14 years old, I had no issues with milk.

Franjanu profile image

Well of Course we can't digest cows milk, it's not for humans! just cut it out and you will feel better that goes for Meat too.

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