Would rennies be any good for mild diarrhoea/loose stools? It says on the pkt upset stomach. Dont want to take immodium or anything, as normally i have constipation and that will just bung me up again. Just looking for something milder. Or will they just make it worse.
Rennies: Would rennies be any good for mild... - IBS Network

Rennies are normally for heartburn, indigestion and trapped wind. I don't think it would sort your loose stools but you try try they are quite harmless. Imodium would not necessarily make you constipated again but more likely to regulate you. X
Hi maybe Metamucil might help? Keep off fruit and dairy alcohol and gluten
Thank u for your suggestion i have tried many things including rennies
Have now contacted a functional nutrition practitioner and will be trsted for SIBO so will see how i get on
I would try ginger, it settles the tummy so may help, certainly worth a try
Don't use to try and regulate your diarrhoea as they will make matters worse. Antacids which contain magnesium can cause loose stools. I occasionally take Bisodol or Rennies for acid indigestion and they always cause problems the next day. Trust Immodium and if you are only mildly loose take just half a tablet. If I take one or two they do tend to stop movements for a day or so but I am always ok with that. My consultant advised me to treat them as a best friend!
I had a stomach virus for a month in May, and got over it (i THOUGHT)but then the nausea returned and is still with me. Someone on this site said something about stomach being compromised, I believe it. And suggested taking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with water, 1 tbsp. with 2 glasses of water (16 oz.) Well I'm doing that and I have to admit I am feeling much better. My body is too acidic because I eat too many sweets which make it acidic. So the baking soda changes the body to more alkaline. Dont know if this was it, but to tell you the truth, I am feeling much better. I'll need to wait until tomorrow to see if it lasts. Have lost about 14 lbs. which I didn't mind losing, but don't want to lose more. Thanks to everyone who came up with good suggestions. I planned on trying them all.
I hope you didn't try the Rennies. They are not the solution to your problem.
Rennis dampen the stomach acidity and are taken because many people think heart burn is a case of having too much acid which rises up in the stomach. They are wrong. Most of the time heart burn is food staying in the stomach too long because the stomach acid is not acid enough to motivate the stomach exit to open. (after that bile is only released when the food is sufficiently acid).
People with heart burn would be better to try and acidify their stomach acid by drinking diluted lemon juice or vinegar.
People with upset intestines have no use for Rennies.
Now, vit C (the lemon juice) will dampen your intestine motility and cause more loose stool. So better not do that. Magnesium does the same (are you taking a supplement?). Coffee too. And so do anti-depressants and anti-ADHD-medication. Those last two do this because they contain Serotonin, which speeds up intestine motility. Also the precursor to serotonine speeds up motility and causes loose stools, this would be 5-HTP. (Dopamine slows down motility.)
Are any of these perhaps a cause of your loose stools?