hello I am new to the group. I have been having problems with my tummy since i was a child but over the past years i have had all sorts of other issues such as under active thyroid, eczema, fatigue hair loss etc. Having tried NHS they did not recognise my under active thyroid and then I went privately last year and was give a low dose of 25mg levothyroxine and my energy was restored. the eczema on my hands was very bad and bleeding and my job involves meeting people so it was embarrassing when my hands were covered with plasters! the consultant dermatologist said there was nothing I could do just steroid! well I found sarah ballantyne's book on autoimmune conditions and for 4 months followed the AIP diet and the eczema totally disappeared and has not returned. I then went onto my 'normal 'diet' which has been gluten free for 20 years and have developed very bad stomach aches, etc and am trying to control this, I feel very fatigued. I am now removing all grains as per AIP and dairy and most of the sugar. does anyone in the community now of practitioners they would recommend in the UK? any tips would be welcome am taking Colofac as well as enzymes prior to meals
introducing my self suffering from GI and thyr... - IBS Network
introducing my self suffering from GI and thyroid tips welcome

Hi there, really pleased that you managed to eradicate your Eczema by following a particular diet (I will look that one up as have never heard of it as my husband was born with the condition although as he's got older it's nothing like as bad).
In relation to your tummy I would go to the doctors to see if you have IBS as well because if you have there is the FODMAP diet, I printed it off the internet yesterday as I'm going to follow the diet - I've had IBS since 1996/7.
Best of luck and well done for following such strict diet regimes; giving up sugar, grains, dairy and gluten is not easy.
Hi there Mitty,
If you have a long history of tummy troubles I would really suggest getting tested for SIBO and Candida: sickofibs.com/ibs-symptoms/...

Thanks have made an appt and will have tests donr