Hi all, not sure if I am posting in the right community, but I am struggling with IBS, SIBO, histamine intolerance.
I was diagnosed IBS-c over 10 years ago and fought constipation for years. Then, 3 years ago I was diagnosed non celiac gluten sensitive and went gluten free. A couple months later my thyroid slowly started to work better and I am now on no thyroid meds -- which is the good news. The bad news is however, shortly after going gluten free I developed some new symptoms out of nowhere that would come and go for days at a time but steadily worsened - head pressure & pains, hives, tingling in lower legs, flu like, breathlessness, palpitations, supersensitive to meds (thyroid meds, Folate, B12 would intensify my symptoms), just UNWELL. Well finally a very smart doc diagnosed SIBO and histamine intolerance. A low histamine diet is the ONLY thing (and I mean I have tried many things) that has helped with some of these symptoms. So next week I start taking Xifaxan and Neem for SIBO and Quercetin and a couple other supplements for histamine.
Question is has anyone else experienced a connection between going gluten free and histamine intolerance starting. This is been a tough road and I am ready to feel better/normal! Thank you for any feedback I appreciate any suggestions.