Hi all- I am just curious to know if anyone out there has/had had the same symptoms as me:
At Christmas (2015) I had all symptoms of a bad sinus infection/flu. It put me under the bed. I was never officially diagnosed with anything but the doctor gave me amoxicillin and sterroid. I recovered beautifully within two days and went on with life. I kept getting on and off sore throats, then at the end of January (2016), had the most massive horrible sinus infection I've ever had in my life. I was bed ridden for 4 days- was sick to my stomach from swallowing so much mucus. It was horrible. I went to the doctor where they tried to push more antibiotics but I declined. The sinus condition improved over the next week, but I began developing other strange symptoms. I frequently had numbness and tingling in my arms and hands, felt strange sense of dizziness, cold achy spells with no fever, a low body temperature, decreased appetite, muscle twitches and spams. It was terrifying! And the last symptom to develop over the course of two weeks was a change in bowel habits. I started going more frequently, 2-4 times a day, and my stools always had undigested food.
I went back to the doctor a couple times and had tons of tests run- vitamins, cbc and differential, liver, antibodies, ESR and CRP, rheumatoid factor, etc.. I even went on the eventually have an MRI of the brain because the numbness/twitchy feelings were so bad (came back fine except for a small, common, pineal cyst). The only thing of significant value was low Vitamin D. Over the course of a couple months, I supplemented with these and just about every symptom of mine improved except for the bowels.
The BMs eventually started coming less frequently- now usually just once a day/sometimes twice. But they always have lots of undigested food and are always shades lighter of brown than they used to be. Accompanying the change of bowels is pain in my lower right abdomen- a constant dull ache for about a week at a time, it presented right when my bowels changed. It went away and then came back about a month later for another week in March. It went away and came back for another week in May. I haven't had that same pain since, but for the past couple of days have had very mild but annoyingly noticeable pain right below my right ribs and something into the colon area. The pain even kind of goes into the back and down the side of my hip sometimes too. I get super scared that it's my liver, although the my liver tests in February were absolutely stellar.
I'm due to get a colonoscopy next week to check for things like Chron's, inflammation, etc.
So, anyone had anything related to what I've been experiencing on this wild ride?
For reference, I am a 25yo female 5ft. 9 in. before I was sick, I weighed around 132 (loved it!) but now I hover around 125. Lost about 7 lbs. during the course of all this. I'm also pretty active- I walk a lot and exercise a few times a week and I have always eaten a diet full of fruits, veggies, lots of healthy fats and grains and seeds (of course I eat pizza sometimes!! I'm no angel.)
Thanks everyone.