ibs an a wee rant: Hi, it’s been a while since... - IBS Network

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ibs an a wee rant

BaneOfRagnar profile image
10 Replies

Hi, it’s been a while since I last posted re ibs. It’s been 20 odd years that I’ve gradually suffered (more) with what I thought and was told was ibs. I’ve tried various diets/ over counter meds/ prescribed meds, basically spent a small fortune trying out various things. Over the last few years my diarrhoea seemed endless, unlike most ibs symptoms, I wouldn’t have stomach cramps etc, when I went to the toilet I basically was on an off the pan for most of the day, ending in mucus and blood. On some days I had to cancel jobs I was to attend, without going into it too much, it massively affected my life!

I’ve had quite a few endoscopy visits over the years and all came back clear, except one time they removed pollops. I had a really torrid time last August and looked into a food intolerance test, which had never been offered by the doctor, I never even thought about this, the test came back that I was wheat intolerant.

I slowly went on a wheat free diet, a slight improvement with bowel issues but not fixed. In January I had a really bad episode, ending in a lot of blood. The only prescription medication I was nod on was setraline, i decided to come off them, that was fun, Not! After several weeks my stools started forming kinda normal, this hasn’t happened for years, some days only having one toilet visit. I’m still having some trouble regarding foods, seem to have issue with rich gravy/ sauces etc as when having these my diarrhoea returns with avengeance!

After all that, have doctors etc just discarded my issues and just put it under the umbrella of ibs, gave me medication to try and just suggested I get on with it? Seems that way, and makes me quite angry.

Sorry for the long post, think I just needed to get it out my head.

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BaneOfRagnar profile image
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10 Replies
Edgar77 profile image

Have you been tested for coeliac disease. The wheat intolerance may suggest that. Just a thought.

BaneOfRagnar profile image
BaneOfRagnar in reply to Edgar77

No I haven’t, thanks for suggesting.

xjrs profile image

Please be aware that food intolerance tests have no scientific basis:


You could have hit on wheat by coincidence since this is a common trigger (due to fructan content).

The only way to find out is with a FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet via GP referral to a dietitian trained in FODMAPs.

You could try a well studied probiotic such as Alflorex (which helped me) and/or Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app. I'd try Aflorex prior to FODMAP elimination and reintroduction since it may make you more tolerant to a wider range of foods.

BaneOfRagnar profile image
BaneOfRagnar in reply to xjrs

been referred to dietitians so see how that goes. Funnily I’ve not long started retaking aflorex as it did help slight in the past. It’s just a bloody maze

Rozzy46 profile image

so sorry to hear this - it’s miserable to have constant diarrhoea and blood in stools. Do you think coming off Sertraline affected your gut? Have you been tested for inflammatory bowel disease? It might be that which causes your on off symptoms. Also try cutting out gluten and see if that helps. It’s good that you’ve been having more normal stools - so maybe diet can sort you out. I suggest however, you ask your GP to refer you to a gastroenterologist - 20 years is a long time.

BaneOfRagnar profile image
BaneOfRagnar in reply to Rozzy46

Had all the tests through the years, all came back clear. Was on phone to doctors this morning, to ask about coeliac test but as I had one in 2017 and my symptoms are still the same, they doubt it’s that.

dalit2412 profile image

i now one thing, 45 years in this hell on earth, if i can stick wit carnivore diet, my symptoms are down to zero.

tryfan004 profile image

Have you looked into the FODMAP diet? Your doctor 'should' refer you to a NHS dietician who can provide booklets and info as to what to cut out and how to test each group of foods to see which you may be intolerant of.

Interesting that you mention gravy (which usually has onions in). This group of FODMAPs (onions, garlic, leeks) I cannot eat at all as they will produce intense gut pain and horrible D!

Sticking to my FODMAP diet is a complete pain but not half as bad as the alternative!!

All the best

BaneOfRagnar profile image
BaneOfRagnar in reply to tryfan004

Tried the fodmap years ago, got a few results but for a short period only. Been trying diets and failing for years, at times one item of food would be ok one week but not the next week. I’ve just completed a 7 day food diary for the dietitian so will post it tomorrow, I’ll wait and see what joys they’ll suggest.

tryfan004 profile image

p.s. Gluten is a FODMAP also.

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