Hello All,
Anyone ever been diagnosed with a Slow Emptying Stomach (SES for this thread)? I was diagnosed with having a SES after a combined Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. The Gastro doc who did the Endoscopy said there was a small amount of old, undigested food in my stomach that shouldn't have been there after drinking the "clear you out" drink many hours before the procedure. The Gastro wanted to do a very expensive long drawn out test to figure out exactly which foods, and meds I'm taking, are slowing down my stomach. Yikes, I have too many meds to count...around 20-25, some not daily.
I do have IBS-C and have since I was a small child. My last stomach doc retired. I haven't gotten a new one yet cuz they just don't seem to be able to help my chronic constipation.
Thx Much!!