Hi everyone,
A lot of people say oatmeal is an "IBS safe" food but I think it gives me indigestion and bloating.
Anyone else?
I am not coeliac and I have IBS-C
Thanks xx
Hi everyone,
A lot of people say oatmeal is an "IBS safe" food but I think it gives me indigestion and bloating.
Anyone else?
I am not coeliac and I have IBS-C
Thanks xx
I've got IBS d and porridge leaves me worse than a full night out... Unfortunately! Other oat based foods are OK though so it is really random...
i get really bad indigestion and belching after eating oats. after a kinesiology test the chiro said it may bean outer skin that forms on grains as a protection barrier that is not being digested like it use too
Ive got IBS D and porridge don't do me much good! Get bad bloating and I'm hungry within half an hour!
When eating porridge,what milk do you use? I can't drink milk with lactose as thats what causes me to blost. Try lactose free milk. It does the trick for me.
Hi the porridge is contamminated by other crops eg -Whaet-be carefull were you buy the porridge !
All The best
It probably is the lactose in the dairy milk that is the problem. I use unsweetened almond milk as soya milk doesn't sit well with my gut 😉 Ordinary porridge oats should be OK.
Hi, you need the free from Porridge
Definitely! Gives me terrible indigestion and I even tried making it with water rather than milk to see if that made it tolerable but it didn't, so I gave up on the porridge!
exactly!! i dont understand why dietitians and doctors recommend it as an IBS safe food.
I'm fine with oats but have them with water or almond milk. My sister had terrible problems with them but is fine now she has switched to almond milk (I've even got my husband on it now as he thinks it tastes nicer Hope that helps.
Just a thought for you.
If you are eating processed oatmeal, try switching to organic and see if that makes a difference. Also think about what you are eating with it (sugar and milk?).
Ahh thank you Alison. Yes it may be processed oats. Would you recommend steel cut then? I do use almond milk and still have stomach problems. so i think its purely the oats that is the issue xx
It would be worth a try. It could be you are reacting to additives like polyols present in the processed oats (in my article on food intolerance). Get advice from a good health shop as all organic goods are not equal.
ah great thanks
Hi you have to be carefull were you buy the porridge from ( get it from health food shop ) it gets contamminated-farmers dont kleen their trucks after harvesting other things eg WHEAT
and other gluten ridden crops !
Very Best Wishes
Thank you xx
Hi, I get dreadful heartburn when I eat porridge!
Best wishes
ahh ok then im not the only one. thank u for the reply x
If we all could distinguish safe foods we would cure IBS. All of us are different I can eat same lunch 3 days in a row and one day it decides to go straight thorough me no logic to it! I used to eat instant Oat so simple with no issues but as part of a healthy eating change I now soak rolled oats in almond milk overnight and am still fine. Tastes not so good on it's own the milk though! Os proven proper oats fill you up for longer than instant oats too.
I used to be able to eat porridge but can't anymore - gives me stomach cramps and makes me constipated (have IBS-C). Am fine with other oat-based stuff so it's just porridge.
Yes not everyone can eat porridge, it does not matter what milk you use! Sometime i am ok with it, sometimes it has the opposite effect! And yet i can eat oat biscuits no problem. I cant eat much fibre so that might be the problem.
Whether porridge is OK for a specific person depends on that person but porridge is for 'normal' people a very good food indeed. It must, like all foods be organic. Two other points, do not drink when you eat, have a warm water drink before eating, second CHEW well otherwise the enzymes in your mouth, essential to digestion, cannot perform and the food causes trouble in the tummy. Well worth studying. Best wishes on your journey.
Oh yes! Oatmeal, even if it's labeled "gluten free" gives me HORRIBLE bloating and indigestion
I think it's because it is wrong for my blood type. I am type O
Are you eating it with milk? Could possibly be a problem? But I'd say if it doesn't work for you, don't eat it, no matter how many people say it's "safe". You know your body best!