Anyone on here know anything about eye problems and IBS. I suffer with episcleritis in my right eye which seems to come on when I eat gluten. When I eat gluten I get symptoms of IBS. I've been reading online some medics think eye problems are linked to IBS (amongst autoimmune disorders in general). I haven't a clue what's wrong with me the Dr hasn't diagnosed IBS, but I certainly do get the symptoms when I eat a wheat rich diet. It's confusing.
Not sure if I have IBS but need help. - IBS Network
Not sure if I have IBS but need help.
Hi I also have episcleritis in my left eye I’ve had it for almost 2 years now I’ve had numerous steroid eye drops that clear it up but it then comes back when I stop then. I have IBS and the doctor said the eye problem could be caused by inflammation in the body maybe from the ibs. I am now doing a gluten and dairy free diet and I am much better my ibs symptoms (mainly diarrhoea) have now stopped but I still have the eye problem unfortunately so now wondering if it was in fact connected. X
I've had the steroids too but as you say it always returns ☹️. I injured my right eye when I was 19 when I got rust embedded in my right eye during an industrial accident and it's in that area I get most of this inflammation? Can you relate to that i.e. past injuries as maybe being a cause? I've been making mistakes with the diet eating rubbish that should be gluten free but could be contaminated it's tough trying to be vigilant all the time. I sometimes even forget a fortnight ago I was offered a wafer and ice cream and just ate it completely forgetting there's wheat in that, but I very rarely eat ice cream cones so I just didn't click. Thanks.

Hi mine just came on one day I had pain above my eye and then noticed the redness under my lid. The doctor at the eye clinic doesn’t seem too worried he says it’s a lazy eye as my eyesight has always been worse in that eye but seems to have got worse since I’ve had this. I guess I just have to live with it doesn’t seem to want to go away.
I wonder the same thing.... I know that eye problems (uveitis) are associated with Crohn’s but IBS is such a complex and little known disease that I think it affects many things. Gut biome seems to be the thing to sort out, but that’s become very fashionable so you have to tread carefully amongst the amount of nutrition information out there. My doc recommended looking at Jeanette Hyde, though she is a big promoter of 10 /14 hour eating/ fasting,
Thanks. I'll check out Jeanette Hyde see what she has to say on the subject of diet. Not big on fasting but I'm sure I could learn something from her if a Dr recommends her. I know what you mean about the "fashion" my mind boggles when I start reading about gluten intolerance and diet and then they start claiming things about needing to give up Fodmap foods too. Leaves me feeling that they expect me to just starve or something. I guess most of these people aren't doctors so... Thanks for your reply.