Hi all,
I really need some help at the moment. I have been diagnosed with IBS and an inflammed bladder. I went to the doctor the other day as i thought i had a water infection. She thinks that all my pain is coming from my bowel and may have been pressing on my bladder.
I'm quite sick at the moment, have to keep working to keep my job, but i have no energy, always feeling sick, and in pain.
The doctor prescribed co-codamol for the pain which i took for four days in a row, resulting on,?? yeah you guessed constipation, I have had to take laxitives to solve this, and now i feel someone has kicked by lower back in.
Has anyone got any advice of medication to try to get me out of this vicious circle and to get a better quality of life.
I will end up losing my job as i know i will eventually be bedridden.
Thanks in advance.