Hi there for the last few days I have been feeling nausea and sick I have had a pain on my left side just binder my ribs and at my back at the lest side has anyone expereinced this just a bit worried ?
Ibs: Hi there for the last few days I have been... - IBS Network

Hi Andy,
I assume you've seen your doctor, so what tests have you had done?
No diorrioa had a bit of constipation but
It's possible that you're more constipated than you think and that your problems (including the nausea) are caused by wind and gas.
Believe me, wind pain can appear anywhere in your upper body and I suggest you take a good laxative to clear your system right out.
As your blood tests showed a low folate result (lack of vitamin B12), I think some dietary changes might be in order for you too, e.g. eat fresh food rather than processed and include lots of veg and fruit of all types. You should also cut out sugar and fizzy drinks and take plenty of exercise.
Ok thank you for replying just worried Incase I have pancreatic cancer or blwel cancer i get scared I'm due to be a father in a week in just keeping thinking the worst !!
I don't know how old you are, but it seems you're quite young and, as your doctor has said, that, plus no history of bowel cancer in your family makes bowel or any other cancer highly unlikely in your case.
Try doing what I've suggested. Believe me you'll probably be finding out all about how painful wind can be when you get your new baby as he/she will certainly let you know about it!
You could also be worrying about the arrival of your baby and that will only make your symptoms worse - anxiety of any kind can have a really big effect on your body.
Stay in touch and let us know how things go for you.

Thank you I'm only 25 years old thanks for taking time to comment I will let you know
Hi Andy
I have the nausea and the pain to been told ibs. Cut out fizzy drinks , coffee, garlic, all contibute to the pain. Try peppermint teas and peppermint capsules they all help. Good luck
Thank you !! See your nauisa are you been sick or do You just feel sick like indigestion ? What medication are you on to help this ?
I have ibs to and suffered with pain in my right side. I put it down to wind and generally goes after a few days but very unpleasant at the time
That is how I feel daily and have for the past 6 months... Or more.. While everyone should always have things checked as gut issues are very complicated for me at least it's a normal day.
I have felt like this with pain on the left side and I'm ibs-d. I think with all ibs sufferers you can feel nauseous and I agree with the others that the pain is prob gas.... Mine normally is. You can try peppermint tea as suggested earlier which is good. I've heard that gripe water is good but I've not tried this myself. You sound like you are suffering with anxiety which will make you feel worse, you might want to look into relaxation techniques or ask to be referred for counselling to try cognitive behavioural therapy.... It all helps. And try exercise.... Do you do any sport? Activity can get things moving. Xx hope you feel better soon.
my son has on several occasions been up all night being sick and having diarrhoea. Last time we ended up in A&E and he had an enema for constipation which cleared the pain and the sickness. Like others have said, take a good laxative and watch what you eat and drink. Diarrhoea is likely your body trying to clear a blockage but unable. Try not too worry so much and enjoy the birth of your new baby.