My name is Pip and I have been suffering with 'my pains' for 10 years now. I guess the only thing I can pin it in was a bout of food poisoning when I was on holiday all those years ago. My condition is getting worse with my age and I am finding it harder to cope with.
After 10 years of being shoved from pillar to post gastroenterology to gynaecology, I don't know what much else I can do. My symptoms are chronic pain in my guts in the lead up to my menstrual cycle every month, this is accompanied by severe vomiting, back pain, headaches and nausea. I do and never have had constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and all of the symptoms that normally come with the condition.
Diet make no difference as when I get ill everything I eat or drink makes me bad. When I am not ill I can eat anything and be totally unaffected. It is so frustrating!
Last month was a all time low for me, I was found by my mam on the bathroom floor, I had spent all morning being sick and in pain and I just couldn't move, I was admitted into hospital and given morphine. I get ill like this for 2 weeks out of every 4 and I am finding it so hard to keep hold of my life, my job, my future.
My family love and support me but I cannot put this on them all the time but there must be something to help me, this is not living! I sound so desperate and for once I will admit that I am. I have been referred to another gastroenterologist at another hospital in February so hopefully someone will be able to help me.