Cannot have a bowel movement today.: I get so... - IBS Network

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Cannot have a bowel movement today.

23 Replies

I get so worried if l do not have a bowel movement everyday! I did have a bowel movement yesterday, which was a good one, Sorry to be blunt....Not trying too,

I had a bowel movement yesterday but today nothing at all.... Did not eat anything yesterday!! I use to pass some even if l did not eat anything. What us happening,,,,Thank you for any answers because it does worry me. I have had Ct Scan and colonscopy last year! Nothing Found!


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23 Replies
94444 profile image

not to worry!EaMMsy to say but happens to me and and read if you go really well one day you can expect to have a ccouple of 'no go days'. I was am still am to some extent overconcerned about my bowels mainly because just a spell of not going . but today ok so probably won't see anything now for couple of days or what i call maltesers(sorry about that) If you have increased you fibre intake as I have you need to drink more water. 6 to 7 good size glasses so I read online.Hope this helps you a bit. you will be ok luv liverpool lass94444

in reply to 94444

Thank you so much 94444!!I I appreciate very much in your response! I wondered about that but you probably understand how you can worry. I do worry about the bowels in passing stools! My gastro told me when he did the colonscopey (mispelled) that my intestines was in such a mess because he called it worrying to much! He told me he had seem so many like that too :) Thankyou again for your response!

Hi if you dont eat for a day that is not good; your stomach will wonder what on eart is happening.

Most people dont visit loo everyday for a no 2; so, dont worry.

Best Wishes

in reply to

Thanks Pain 57! I appreciate any feed back you can give. I cannot seem to understand the test showed nothing is wrong! A friend of mine just shakes her head because of the way l act. I know l worry to much and that is not good.

in reply to

Hi sometimes our friends dont do us any good with their attitude;its because they dont have it you see-people on here wont shake their head at you and you will get plenty of support and understanding.

I have had 5 sigmoids and 2 gastroscopes and majority of time nothing showed -up.

We cant get their on time when we need to and things flare-up and settle down fast !

my consultant said that when we have the prep the intestines are empty so, then, giving digestive track a rest.

all the best

in reply to

Pain57 you hit the nail on the head! My mother does try to understand but she hates to see me upset and disturbed about something that can be fixed if l would only meet the doctors halfway. I do know the fiber is always mentioned from the doctors but seems like my gastro says it is only spasms and does not dwell on it. I think the way he looks at it the test showed nothing wrong and you need to do what l say. And also l have a long gut because he has mentioned this and so has my primary doctor! But Thank You for your reply Pain57 and you and so many on here does also. And that is a Good Thing!

in reply to

Hi, yes, mums do worry but it goes with the teratory and nobody said it would be easy BUT my mum used to get so upset that I just stoped telling her stuff.

I have 2 grown-up children now and 2 grandchildren. I try to stay calm so has not to allarm them-there is allways something wrong with someone.

Some folks on here havnt been to the loo for a WHOLE MONTH !

We are living in different times now and blockages get sorted; no point worrying about what mit happen.

Can you add one single minuet to your life with worry ? (" Jesus ")

Every Blessing

in reply to

Thank you so much for your reply! Well said about the worry! But you know l have pain at night if l eat during the day after going to bed. Like something picking at your stomach!! Maybe need to use the bathroom but cannot pass anything. My gastro says it is just spasms1 But since l do not eat most of the time now my stomach does this sometimes during the day. My mother said my gut is angry and hungary!! I laid it to hunger pains! Just a mess Pain57!! Thank you also for mentioning Jesus!!

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If I get that feeling of picking at my tummy its usually cos there is some inflamation going on.

Do you take Colofac are anything for the spasms ?

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No.... Pam is that the name you need to asked for when you buy it!!

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Hi no i get it on prescription, there is something called Meberverine and spasmonal. they are all for those dredful spasms

in reply to

Thank you Pain57....You know l have learned more on here about IBS and spasms than it seems at GP! I do appreciate the info and l will check into this!!

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Think you can buy Buscopan

Best wishes

in reply to

I am sure going to find this. Do you know if Amazon sells it??

in reply to

Hi Just get Buscopan from your local chemist, paharmacy BUT your GP Doctor should give you a perscription for something for the spasms

Very Best Wishes

in reply to

Thanks Pain57. I appreciate the info!!

Cagegreen4 profile image
Cagegreen4 in reply to

I have had bowel problems for 5 years now. I have had sigmoidoscopy and ct and MRI scans twice and nothing has shown up. My doctor tells me to ignore it as it is all in my mind. However I always feel as though my rectum is full but I can't pass anything and it is also painful. I am finding it very difficult to cope but I am just about coping. Has anyone got any suggestions? Sorry I can not help but thought to let you know you are not on your own.

in reply to Cagegreen4

Hi if you can feel it its not ALL in your mind-what about another GP.

I have a device for when my rectum stil feels full and it flushes it all out. the device is called Quephora

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Pain57 where can you find this??


Grannycake profile image

Have you checked your fibre intake,should be30 gms a day?

in reply to Grannycake

Thanks Grannycake..... No l do not eat much fiber at all. I am sorry to say because the doctors have all stressed this but l am always afraid of not having a bowel movement or obstruction. Why that has entered my head is because my grandmother had an obstruction and she died. I know l should not think along those lines have thought going to a hypnosit (mispelled) to keep me from that.

Grannycake profile image

There have been great strides in medicine,put it out of your head. Live for yourself now,not your gran of yesterday. Chin up

in reply to Grannycake

Thanks Grannycake l needed that too!

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