I recently lost my mum sister and brother within the space of 9months.i will admit it did get to me bad,only for my 2beautiful children I don't no what I would do.i do have a poor diet and sometimes the thought of food makes me sick I am on mebeverine and laxido drinks but the stomach cramps are really bad,can anyone please recommend anythink.lately I've been getting really bad hot flushes I keep telling myself I must be going in the change.could anyone please help Thankyou.
Can depression make it any worse.: I recently... - IBS Network
Can depression make it any worse.

Have you tried the FODMAP diet?
It was recommended to my husband for his IBS. I am sure he was on mebeverine for a short while but now he has followed the FODMAP diet and he knows what his trigger foods are he hasn't used medication for a 2 years now.

Really sorry to hear what a terrible year you have had , you might want to try looking at the stress page on our website before changing or eliminating anything from your diet, it may not be anything that you are eating , it could be down to a number of things theibsnetwork.org/stress/ , Please take a look at our website.
It may be a good idea to go back to GP. Maybe the Mebeverine isn't working . When my IBS first started, I cut out certain foods etc and I found what made it worse and yes it is worth trying the FODMAP. I have found that stress, depression can make it worse. Everyone is different, what works for one, it doesn't work on another. It took me a year or so, to find the right medication, which is Amitriptyline 50mg at night. Please don't give up, I've been there. Good Luck
Hi so sorry too hear about all your loss; its a lot too contend with and Il bet this is the reason you are not well.
You have 2 children and this must be difficult without your mum.
Have you tried amitriptyline from your GP.
You have to take meberverine for a long time before results and I find Spasmonal better.
my mum and brother have passed and has time goes by the pain of missing them gets better.
dont worry you will not forget about them; your good memmories will remain
I am here for you x
I really do sympathize with you as you have been through so much in a short time.I think as we get older it is something we just have to cope with.Antipressants will get you through this and there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Please tell your doctor how you feeling and close family members and take all the help you are offered. Your children will also be grieving and will need your lave and support too.
I have been through a similar situation and know how you feel. Hang in there and lots of love to you all. xx
Hi sorry to hear this. I lost my mum 3 years ago soon after becoming a first time parent and the stress lead me to develop IBS, 3 years later I'm finally giving in to having counselling as anxiety high and panic attacks all these make IBS worse. If you feel ready see if you can be referred for counselling I'm afraid waiting to get better didn't work for me.
Good luck.
Nicki xx
You have been through a great deal recently. My sincere condolences.
I had a build up of really trialing situations (2 losses, changed region, job move etc) that set my hot flushes off early, so I can relate to what you are saying. I have got rid of all that now, so it is possible, and yes, it is all linked.
What can you do? Well I would suggest you start by going and seeing a professional if you haven't done so already. You have had to carry on over the past 9 months despite your great loss for the sake of the children. Even if tears have come forth, you really need to be able to talk all that through with a psychologist and release ALL the negative emotions like anger, fear, sadness that are probably bottled up inside you. It will take time to come to terms with what happened, but if you keep all that bottled up, your symptoms will most likely get worse. So you need to do this NOW.
A very effective way of releasing tension yourself (but do go and see someone) which you can do right now is this. When no-one is around, stand up. Tense your hands into a claw-like position. Keep them tensed up and pretend you are ripping down the wallpaper off the wall with your nails, one arm after the other, top to bottom, while stomping your feet on the floor at the same time until you feel exhausted (after 30 seconds?) If you do this every night before you go to bed, you should feel some improvement over time.
Breathing techniques may also help you: sickofibs.com/well-being/a-...
For the hot flushes, you can massage a few drops of essential oil of clary sage in a carrier oil on your back on the adrenals (just below your bra strap) or as far up as you can, and maybe around the upper neck and ovaries too.
As you start to surface from what you have been through, try to improve your diet little by little and take care of yourself. Of course it all went haywire. You were in survival mode. But your body needs nourishment for it to support you.
I hope some of this will help you,

Alison Thankyou so much for your reply I will give it a go anything is worth trying to make me feel better thanks again xx