I am into my 4th week of taking Symprove and it's actually making me feel worse. Is this a good sign or a bad sign? Does anyone have a similar experience?
Symprove making me feel worse: I am into my 4th... - IBS Network
Symprove making me feel worse

How worse? What are you symptoms/the side effects?
If you put 'Symprove' into the search HealthUnlocked, it comes up. Positive experiences, it seems. I'm tempted to try it though, despite saying it's gluten free, I'm nervous - I stopped gluten about 4 months ago and initially it was brilliant. Constipation cured it seemed. Now I am back at sq 1 though I'm waiting on a Candida overgrowth test result - had an issue 5 weeks ago, treated for 2 weeks but not sure it's responded. I'd been clear for 6 months. Ho hum. I will contact Symprove to see if I can get them to agree that, if I buy it and have a Gluten reaction, then they'll refund me. 158 GBP plus 40 GBP shipping is a big mistake if I have a reaction!
I tried it about two or three years ago. I gave it the best shot I have given anything. Bought the 3 months worth and told myself I would finish the whole lot no matter what. Straight away I noticed I was more constipated. So lessened the dose. Stopped it for a while, went back to it, played about with the amount again. I think I eventually went through about 7 or 8 of the bottles and thought I've had enough of this stuff. Luckily, a friend of a friend was having good results with it, so I gave it to her. At least I knew it had gone to a good home. I have recently done a stool test to check my gut biome and it showed that it was in a good state. So I guess I don't need probiotics!
Also it doesn't have a very long use by date. And you have to keep it in the fridge once opened so not very user friendly if you travel. Although I guess most people with IBS probably don't travel too much!
Sorry but I've not used it. The trouble with IBS is we're all so very different. I cannot eat bran as it makes feel very sick and have diarrhoea but others can tolerate it. Our guts are very complex.
I used it for the recommended period. It didn't make me significantly better or worse, though I was getting very gradually worse over a long period including that time, so it's a little hard to be sure it didn't have some negative impact. There was a Facebook group for Symprove takers which contained lots of feedback of their experiences with it both positive and negative while I was taking it a few years ago, I suggest you ask in there if you haven't already, it's a private group so you will need to ask to join before you can read it. facebook.com/groups/Symprov... - I think some people may have talked about having to get through a time initially where things got worse before it started to help them but I could be wrong as it's quite a while since I read it and it wasn't directly relevant to me. But four weeks is a long time in for that to be happening, I'd have thought it should be helping by then if it was going to.
It made me worse. I rang them up said I had tried small doses as well and they refunded!
I haven't tried Symprove. Alflorex (which I think is cheaper, though still expensive) worked best for me - it has also been studied for IBS.