Hello, I suffer with really bad wind and bloating on an afternoon, it doesn't matter what I eat for lunch it's the same every time, I have my breakfast on a morning then I'm fine all morning, I have lunch then take my dog out then around 1-2 hours after lunch I get really bad bloating and wind which gets worse as the day goes on, can anyone think of ideas why this is please? cheers
Gas on afternoon any ideas?: Hello, I suffer... - IBS Network
Gas on afternoon any ideas?

I've read a lot of people see improvement from cutting out wheat. Maybe try porridge for breakfast and rice for lunch for a few weeks?
I also get a lot of bad wind but it doesn't seem to matter with my body what time of day. I am slowly but sure working through an elimination diet.
Hope you find something that helps you and as suggested by A_IBS below it's certainly worth a try but cutting out wheat.
Very best of luck.
Exactly the same as me. I also found that eating lunch (usually sandwiches) and then walking the dog was not a good idea! It needs to be the other way around to avoid mad dash back for the loo!
However, endless wind usually follows, but I found that eating sandwiches made from SPELT flour definitely helps and also cutting out lettuce and tomatoes in the fillings helped too.
Generally, trying to follow FODMAP advice has helped me greatly.
Interesting to note that I can eat normal bread when I am on holiday without any ill effects!
There's a clue for us all there I feel.
All the best
This suggests maybe your bad bacteria to good bacteria ratio is balanced. Bad bacteria produce gas whereas good bacteria absorbs nutrients. Some people with digestion issues when tested had 80%bad:20%good.
There's also a condition called SIBO where the bacteria takes over the small intestine characterised by a lot of gas (there's a test for this and if this is the case you need abtibiotics at the docs)
I'd give a good probiotic a try first to see if this works (I went to Holland and Barrett, think it was 7.99 120 tablets, I didn't bother with the super expensive ones)
You have to takes these consistently to rebalance the ratio, but for me they worked in 3 days.
If not go to the doc for Sibo breath test
Good luck

Hello thank you, yes I'm already on probiotics, I've been on them for about 6 months now, I've heard much about the Sibo test so i'll look into that cheers

Hi Chrissy
How does one get tested in order to ascertain the balance between good and bad bacteria? Please let me know if you can.
Also how did you know that the probiotics had worked so quickly? Did you get tested again or is there a home test one can do?
Thanks for your help here.
All the best
PS I had a SIBO test and all was OK.
My bloated gassy stomach used to keep me awake, and never felt empty even after going to the toilet.My symptoms went; stools became big, soft easy to pass. I was able to have 2 movements a day (to match 2 meals a day).
You can have a CSA test if you have serious symptoms, but I was lucky enough to find that acidophilus solved my symptoms.
I've extracted from the recommended read post :
EXTRACT "I studied with Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who was a master of taking care of the bowel. He
wrote on colon hygiene and also did a great deal of work with diet. One thing I learned was that
we have “friendly” bacteria in the bowel. These friendly bacteria keep the bowel clean from pu-trefaction and fermentation which produce excess gas and bad odors.
Dr. Kellogg taught that the bowel should be about 85% acidophilus bacteria and 15% bacillus coli, or those which produce gas. This, he stated was the right bacterial balance for a healthy bowel.
I wanted to test my patients for this bacteria balance, so I sent fecal samples from 500 of my
patients to a medical laboratory to find out about the relative amounts of acidophilus, bacillus coli and acid-fast bacteria. I wanted to know the effect of the pH (acidity/alkalinity value) and to find out all I could about the intestinal flora. The lab results averaged 85% bacillus coli or detrimental bacteria as compared to 15% of the acidophilus. It was just the opposite of what is should be to be healthy! These were the results for 500 of the patients who had come to my office. Obviously, the bowel of the average patient was not what is should be."
Good luck
Further extract u might find interesting:
“For fifteen days, about eight ounces to sixteen ounces of culture of lactobacillus acidophi-lus, in which three large tablespoonsful of lactose is dissolved, should be taken daily thirty minutes before breakfast; and for the same length of time, three large tablespoonsful of lactose should be dissolved ‘many kind of fruit juices, milk, soups, broth or water, and taken daily thirty minutes before supper. After this, four ounces to eight ounces of lactobacillus acidophilus culture, in which three tablespoonsful of lactose have been dissolved, should betaken every morning for fifteen more Jays. The lactose, however, should be taken as before. After this, the quantity of the culture of the lactobacillus acidophilus can be reduced to four ounces every day for fifteen more days. For the remainder of the time, the ingestion of the culture of the lactobacillus acidophilus, two ounces every day, may be sufficient to keep the required amount of lactobacillus acidophilus present in the large intestinal tract. One must remember that the amount of the daily requirement of lactose, should continue to be about three tablespoonsful, morning and evening, as the daily requirement.
As to the length of time that the lactobacillus acidophilus culture (together with the lactose)
should be taken in order for one to gain the desired results depends on the severity of the condition that is being treated. However, a period ranging from four to six months may be necessary.
“When is the intestinal flora changed? The intestinal flora is changed when the stools are
soft, frequent (three times a day), and free from putrid or rancid odor. Examination by a bacteri-ologist should give positive 80 and negative 20, which means 80% of the acid formers and 20%
of other bacteria. In a bad flora, the percentage will be the reverse, 20-80. Of course, a change
from 20-80 or worse to 40-60 or 50-50, is a decided improvement, but this should not be consid-ered at all satisfactory. Old troubles may still continue, perhaps somewhat modified. But when the change reaches 75-25, marked improvement will be evident, and the more complete the change of flora, the more decided will be the change for the better in the patient’s symptoms."
(I just took a 2xcapsules a day)

Thank you so much!
Peppermint capsules holland and barratt i take one before eat every meal and it stop mine
I also stopped eating gluten so no bread or rice or pasta( aless gluten / yeast free) that helped me.
Thought whilst i was having a life change id go soya milk instead of dairy and that helped to. Sometimes bad wind can b ur gut telling u it not happy with something ie it cant digest it. Wheat, dairy , red meat all really hard for body to digest