Does anyone take imodium plus bromazapone together as a help for anxiety induced ibs d?
Imodium and Bromazapone: Does anyone take... - IBS Network
Imodium and Bromazapone

No sorry, have never taken either
That should have read Bromazapan .
I find they calm mind and bowels as well.
Of course Bromaz cannot be taken daily.
Why don't you speak with your doctor, I have been forced to go recently as I have noticed my anxiety feelings getting worse and becoming more of a daily issue thus affecting my toilet habits - diarrhoea, I have now found myself in a constant loop of feeling anxious and nervous every morning. Started taking immodium more often, something I just don't feel comfortable doing. I was diagnosed with IBS 15 years, started off with stomach cramps but I think i've had it that long that I don't even know when i'm ill with something or it's my ibs or whether some of my ibs is in my head. Since visiting dr a few weeks ago I have now been diagnosed with Severe GAD, Generalised Anxiety Disorder which has caused mild depression. I have starting on Sertraline. The reason why I'm telling you this is that I feel I am no longer in touch with what my body is feeling and I need the loop to be broken so that I can assess the real feeling of my ibs if it is there at all, all of the time.
Thank you for your reply Emylou.
I have had this since I was 40 now 72 !
Started after food poisoning that didnt clear ....colonoscopy clear then so "just" ibs . Had cbt for anxiety about 10 years ago I think which helped to a degree ...then the psych retired and that was the end of that . She had prescribed Bromaz for occasional use ...also tried me on Lexapro ,but htat didnt agree with me . So ffrom then have a scrip from gp for same . So I suppose am self medicating with immodium as well ...every day if I need to be anywhere now ..... I will see gp next week re my husband who has some dementia (that doesnt help) ...and will bring it up with him again .
This week with the long Xmas break ,and not having to be anywhere really ,have not been taking immodium and so not bad ,but will be-back to "normal" next week and back on meds .
I wonder you have to go out to work and if so how you manage ,and if you find any relief with taking Sertraline ?
Hope this post not too long ! and hope for you that the med will have a good effect .
Best wishes .
Yes I work full time and I don't think that has helped, also my ds started school this year so I think that has added to the pressure of things. I've only been on the Sertraline for 5 days, dizzy and felt sick for first day and only felt a little headachy since, which is a relief as I need to be able to function. They take about 4 weeks to kick in so I will only know in time if these are going to be a help with my situation. I am not looking forward to my return to work and if the anxiety kicks in which I think it will I will also take immodium, that way I know at least I wont need the toilet! It's silly as I don't really have anything I should be worried about but it easier said! It's horrible when you feel the need to take meds just to get out of the door!