Right so I wrote on here in about may time when I was suffering really bad with my stomach and after lots of blood tests and stool tests and loads of drugs they give me an colonosogy (sorry if that's spelt wrong) which they took samples on and sent me a letter saying it's ibs but doctors haven't said it's that yet so still waiting but anyways it died down for about two months but 3 weeks ago. I started again with the diarrhoea and stomach pains. They have put me on antidepressants to help with my moods as they say it could be that. Still not found out my trigger as you could call it because it does really matter what food I eat tbf seems to be things going on in my life because my god I have had the worst year ever. So I am learning to live with diarrhoea and stomach pains but I can't do the food thing when I am having these bad times I just don't want to eat because it will come back out and don't feel like eating. Any advice?
Hey everyone been a while Looking for some adv... - IBS Network
Hey everyone been a while Looking for some advice.

Hi matt sorry to hear you have had a difficult year. I struggle with my ibs and at one time lost a lot of weight because i was too scared to eat. Every time i ate the stomach pain was terrible and would last for hours on end every day leaving me exhausted and the gp would send me away with nothing at all. I have never felt so low. However as iv got older it has changed although i do have to watch what i eat i seem to have bouts of feeling bloody awful and being ok inbetween. Its a very strange illness.
Montykat how in the world did you get back to eating again? I struggle with IBS and the pain at night if l do eat too. Doctors say nothing has been found and there is nothing wrong. I do feel for anyone who struggles with IBS.

It took a long time anne i lived on 2 minimal meals a day for a good few years and refused to eat after 2pm for fear of being up all night. Something changed when i had my children and now i just get bad episodes every few months like a build up if that makes sense. But nothing like the pain i was in then.
Thanks Montykat.... I have thought about going to a hypnosis to help me from being too scared to eat! Drs also know this but l keep getting eat and do not be scared and afraid. You have had numerous test and nothing is wrong except the ibs. I do hope things will get better for me too. I am so glad things are better for you. Hang in there!
Was your diet any different before the pains started again? I think you just need to get on a diet that helps you and stick to it. Anti-depressants are a short term thing. Again I have advice from my grandmother again, and that's going back some, A cup of hot water in the morning before anything else. No tea, or coffee, just the hot water from the kettle. East as healthily as you can, but stay away from as much wheat based foods as you can. you may not be allergic, but they can still effect your bowels. And remember, green veggies are the ones that have iron in them, too much will constipate you. Good luck
Every day you should have your hot water in the morning with some porridge afterwards as you need some breakfast and porridge is good for the bowels. Always have veggies with your dinner, more veggies than meat. One piece of greens, some others like tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots, parsnips, any of these. always have an apple or orange after words. Not just cos they taste good, but they actually make you mouth feel cleaner. Drink plenty of water every day. At least 2 litres. I know, it makes me go to the loo too, but your body needs the hydration. I wish you all the luck.
Thank you very much for your advice and I am going to give this a good go see if it helps me control it. Then while doing that try and sort my head out too.
Again different strokes. I drastically reduced eating the nightshade family. Tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, but potatoes are ok as its not the fruit you eat. The worlds most eaten fruit is tomato so its difficult at times. Another one was allicin, so the whole onion family, leeks, garlic. To be honest tomato and onion are the main ingredients of anything tasty so its a bit of a trial. Otherwise I go with your advice. In short a healthy balanced diet. Oh, yes, I really cut down on meat. To return the protein it was recommended to increase pulses. If you soak lentils and then rinse until the water runs clear, the gaseous effect is much reduced.
Hy there
Sorry to hear regarding your illness
I'm going to,try the hot water........sounds a brilliant idea
Go FODMAP re food .......plenty if sites and I recommend the Canadian medical,instutes APP
And wean yourself off the anti depressants .......that's a no brainer .......sorry it sounds like tough love but they will cause mire harm than good long term
Hang in there
Try gluten free food no wheat barley or rye most supermarkets sell it
I am just fed up of it been this way. I shouldnt be having acciednts at 29 nearly 30 my god what the hell. Just fed up of it all now wish there was just some cure for it. I have been trying to eat and then things like this happen and it puts you off again. Its making me feel so low, i have already lost my job thru this as tbey said i was having too much time off as i was scared might not have time to go toilet so didnt go as work was 20 miles away from home. I can fight the problems in my head but when you cant control your body how can you beat it?
Finally get somewhere doctors have confirmed ibs so they have give me anti acid tablets and painkillers and buscapan
Carefull with painkillers as they constipate you especially if you take them everday!
There's different strokes for different folks. Constipation with codeine? I wish. Yet some people I know only have to look at one. I've basically settled down a bit on diet, mostly cutting out things, but still need regular loperamide if I'm to leave the house for any period
I do not know about codeine, but I was on narcotic pain killers last year due to two foot surgeries and it made my ibs symptoms worse. Yes I no longer had diarrhea all the time but now I could not go for 2 or 3 days. When I fully stopped taking them my entire digestive system went wacky and it took months to feel normal again..for me it was a double edge sword, it helped one problem, and created more..but that is only MY personal experience
Absolutely. This is one of those conditions that's not easy to treat simply. Headache - painkiller - easy. IBS, nearly as many variations as there are sufferers, ok that may be an exaggeration I get no side effects from some medication but sadly not the desired effect either. I had knee surgery a few years since and had an extremely bad time with the lack of pain control.