Hi all. I am new on here.
I wonder if anybody can help?
I have had ibs for longer than I care to remember, although I have had some lengthy remissions. The last couple of years I have had various flare ups lasting from 1-2 days or 3-4 days. I am not too sure whether I am experiencing another flare up as this one seems to be bit different. It feels a lot like congestion in the colon along with the urge to go to the toilet. I am going two and maybe three times a day for last few days. My stools are quite soft but not diarrhoea as they are well formed but there does seem to be a larger amount than normal. During the day I feel very uncomfortable with what feels like congestion in the colon and a feeling of wanting to go again or a feeling of not finishing properly. I am getting occasional gripe pains further up the stomach. This is making me feel quite lethargic/tired and of course I am looking 6 months pregnant with bloating. Just uncomfortable all around. Any advice please? Could it just be another flare up with added extras? Thanks