I tried this and highly recommend it - its great for everything including digestion!
Tasted great as well as the added benefits!
I tried this and highly recommend it - its great for everything including digestion!
Tasted great as well as the added benefits!
Where did you buy it from or did you make your own ?
I love it. Drink it all the time ☺️☺️ Www.Coconutandwhat.Com
From that wiki link I didnt get the impression its great for everything, rather its health benefits are unknown or not substantiated
...or was that 'review' your personal recommendation after use?
i google various articles that stated it had great health benefits, mainly surrounding digestion. As it is fermented it is just what we need to enable us to have healthy amounts of bacteria in our stomachs! but 1 time has already made such a difference i will be getting some more - and may even look in to making it myself
ok. I am trying to avoid too much yeast as i get yeast (candida) infections quite a bit and im curious if thats also contributing to my ibs (yeast as a systemic infection), so it enough with the yeast in bread in my diet. I take probiotics to increase the healthy guy bacteria (and it says to be used with a low sugar low yeast diet).
This might work well for you then. I used to suffer from IBSD really badly, and I believe it helped restore a balanced gut (along with eating more gut bacteria friendly veg).
I researched this and other probiotic drinks and foods early last year. They are better than taking probiotic supplements because there is more of them and they are already active. I have a Ginger Beer Plant, Water & Milk Kefir, and Kombucha.
My understanding is that not all yeasts are bad and that the Kombucha SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria & yeast) are particularly good at killing off Candida (yeast and bacteria have their own anti-microbe defences) . So much so that you should start off slowly or you risk a condition known as Candida Die Off (candida releases a defensive toxin that contributes to brain fog, which is accelerated when under an overwhelming attack). Also, the yeasts and bacteria in Kombucha, like Candida, thrive on sugar, effectively starving the competition when consumed regularly. There are better explanations and guides if you Google it.
However, I prefer fermented foods such as beetroot, carrot, and cabbage. The easiest one is Sauerkraut (aka Liberty Cabbage in the US) as you just need a cabbage, some sea salt, and a jar; ready in 3 - 5 days. Other vegetables need a starter such as a probiotic capsule mixed in with the brine solution. It is a great way to turn what is still alive, after sitting on a shelf for 6+ months, into a massive dose of probiotics.
Hey so how do you make the sauerkraut, just cut up cabbage add salt and put in a jar, close the lid and leave for 3-5 days? and it tastes nice?? Everything you have said is really interesting! thank you! Is it possible to have too much of these foods, fermented and high in probiotics?