Hi! I have been a teacher for 20 years and the past 5 have suffered with IBS! I have had daily accidents with children, parents and colleagues around! The most humiliating time of my life! I had a biopsy which they found nothing wrong and suggested that it was caused by the stress of the job, I paid over £1000 pounds for counselling and every kind of medication. Finally resigned and am so much better, I can actually eat without it going straight through me, less tired and generally more healthy - so was definitely the job! Am now unemployed and trying to claim my ill health pension but as I am only 52 they are suggesting I continue until I am 60! I am currently appealing as I honestly think my health was suffering so much having lost two stone, developed psoriasis, constantly tired and weak I know my body would give up!! Would love to hear from any teachers who are suffering.
IBS d: Hi! I have been a teacher for 20 years... - IBS Network

I was a teaching assistant I had to leave my job due to Ibs, I found it impossible to supervise children when having to rush to the loo.
Good luck, I haven't been able to claim any sickness benefits due to my partner working, it's been hard and I feel very guilty about the whole situation
Wishing you every success
Have you considered doing your own intolerance tests by leaving one food group, like dairy, out of your diet for at least 2/3 weeks keeping a food and bowel movement diary to see what changes there might be
You can substitute soya milk and a dairy free spread

Hi, yes have eliminated dairy and wheat separately for a month neither made a difference! It is just food in general - but the cause is stress! Thank for your reply though
Have you tried the FODMAP diet - it seems to work for a lot of people
If you are stressed about the condition have you got a RADAR key for disabled toilets and an 'I can't wait' card
Hi Diddy52. I am so sorry to hear of your situasion. I am 43 and cannot work. The times that I did work was mostly terrifying and emotionally draining. My IBS turned into terrible anxiety attacks. Unfortunately this condition is not yet seen as 'serious' enough, I suppose. People need to be made more aware of this condtion and the seriousness around it. Don't think that they will pay the health pension, cause they still don't understand how this condition limits one's life. All the best to you and I do pray that you will overcome this.
Primary school teacher here who completely understands your problems. It's the last five years where education has taken a turn for the worse and my IBS-D is just about coping through following low FODMAP diet and Imodium for ed visits. Sorry to hear it has affected you so much that you have been forced to leave. Perhaps you could switch to part time? Definitely suggest seeing a nutritionist and switching to low FODMAP asap.
Hi! I too was a teacher and suffered very badly with discomfort and bloating every afternoon (luckily no embarrassing accidents though), which I think was due to a rushed lunch and stress. I don't have this problem now. However since I have retired attacks of painful stomach cramps and diarrhea seem to have actually got more frequent. I still find it hard to relax. I thought everything would improve when I gave up work.