Hiya all,
I'll try and keep it short and sweet. I was diagnosed with IBD (proctitis) 2 and a bit years ago after a year of suffering from horrid symptoms. I was in school at the time of my flare and would have to go to the toilet up to 26 times a day which as you can imagine caused a lot of anxiety and I got to the point where I did not leave the house. I was so scared of having to deal with the symptoms whilst out and about. I created my own way of coping as doctors were no good so I began emptying myself out with caffeine as I am highly sensitive to caffeine and then I would eat a really small meal before any event that made me anxious.
I have been in remission from the IBD for a while now yet some symptoms still remain. My consultant believes it is IBS and requested that I be put on to a low formal diet. However my issue is that the main symptoms only really seem to strike when I am anxious (which is a lot of the time). If I have eaten something I am in constant fear that I will have loud gas, soil myself or have to go to the loo numerous times. Its a vicious cycle. I feel like I have tried everything yoga, meditating, counselling etc. I miss out on so much stuff due to it and I am at the point where I am sick of it. I am 18 and I can not do normal things girls do at my age. Is it daft of me to ever think that I can live some what of a normal life?