Hi I got diagnosed with IBS d four months ago and decided to quit my job to take care of my health. I am gonna start a new job in few weeks time and feel scared that I will not be able to cope. I haven’t mentioned the same to my employers as I feel they may ask me to leave. Any advice for the same.
IBS-d and work: Hi I got diagnosed with IBS d... - IBS Network
IBS-d and work

hi, trouble is stressing out will just make things worse, I have had IBS for 21yrs and it did affect my work or rather the people I worked with ? . So I found a less stressful job and once I settled down things were not so bad ,But the ibs never changed so the effects it had on my life never changed ,Then I found the fod map diet it has worked for me and changed my life , the elimination period is the hardest part but worth it loads of info on line , the doctors never tell you even though it is recognised by the NHS you tend to get fobbed off with - you have IBS get on with it ??? have a look at this diet it really has made a difference to my IBS and I turn my life - Iam not afraid to go out or mix with other people anymore .
Best of luck.
Thanks for your reply. My doctor has already put me on a FODMAP diet and the current job I am taking is less stressful then my previous job. So I am hoping everything will be fine.
I did mine through Groupon, loads of companies advertise there it was around £15.
Thanks for the tip. I know the tests can be really expensive to do. But I live in Mumbai India so I really don’t use groupon here for medical tests. I will have to check and see.
Have you tried a probiotic? There are several optibac products which are worth a look at. Have helped many.
Well I mean to ask my doctor regarding the probiotic. He hasn’t mentioned anything yet to me. Will make sure to ask the same in my next visit.
Have a look at their website as it tells you a lot - optibac, the doctor may not be an expert in that field.