Hi I am in constant pain every day.and get stabbing pain on my left side that spread right up to my breast bone.I have been on co-codamol 30/500 for 10 years would this of cause this? Also suffer from severe depression since my beautiful daughter passed 5 yrs ago
IBS IS SO BAD : Hi I am in constant pain every... - IBS Network

I am so sorry you lost your daughter. I don't know about the co-codamol, but depression may be a factor. Have you tried counselling? It's important to find the right counsellor but if you look on the BACP website you will see their search facility and look for one in your area. They also list organisations and some of those offer low cost counselling. You can also get counselling through the Wellbeing on the NHS. You can refer yourself, but the choice of therapy and length of therapy is more limited and there is likely to be a wait. The aim of the therapy wouldn't be to 'get over' the loss of your daughter, but to help you find a way to live with it without it causing you to struggle so much.
Co codamol is not a good medication to take regularly for so long. Please see your GP to see if he can refer you to someone for counselling. Have you tried hypnotherapy at all? I do hope you can get help as you seem so sad.
Hi suejordan, I am so sorry for your loss of your Daughter, as cazacat says, you should seek out a Beriefment Councillor, it can't be easy losing a loved one. As for the Meds has the Doc just left you on them with no investigation, 10 years is a long time, and the dose isn't so low, as can make you addicted . I also get the pain in my left side, but I do not take any painkillers for it. I take it they have made you Constipated, which could be the problem for the pain. I really would suggest you go back to your GP and have some test done, don't let the GP just fob you off with IBS. Also let them know how long you have been taking Cocodamol, they may have to ween you off if you take them every day, as the Codeine is addictive. I wish you well and hope you get can the help for both your loss and pain. Take Care.xx

Thank you so much. For your replie
You are so welcome Sue hope all goes well.xx

Thank you so much for your reply
Just a quickie, co codamol is not good for your Tum/IBS,if anything it can upset it.
Hi Sue, I am so so sorry for the loss of your daughter, I can't begin to think or understand how that feels. We nearly lost one of our daughters 9 years ago but we are really lucky that she is now so much better. There are two guys where I work, and funnily enough they both have the same name, both of these guys lost their sons in very similar circumstances 2 years ago this year. I knew both of them separately and spoke to them separately and mentioned that there was someone else that was going through the same and did they like to meet up.
Now to cut a long story short, I am pleased to say that they meet up on a regular basis and have now met each other's families. Now I know that has nothing to do with your IBS but it might be a starting point for the pain and depression you are suffering. What I am saying here is have you been on the internet/looked locally to see if someone else has suffered a bereavement?
I am hoping that if you do meet someone/people going through the same thing then maybe your IBS will improve. It's a thought and I hope it works for you.
Best of luck
Take care
Thank you for replying I am so glad your daughter is well now.you are right only people who have lost a child know what it's like. I have been to bereavement counselling which is a waste of time in my experience. I have a really good friend who I can talk to.she hasn't lost a child but talking does help.thank you again and please tell your friends I know how they feel and that I am so so sorry for their loss.