Following an online consultation with my GP and stool samples taken my diagnosis is IBS, what I don’t understand is reading your posts, my symptoms are nothing like other sufferers. I can happily eat and drink anything although I do find milk and bread tend to slightly irritate my stomach but only causing gas and not pain. I wake every morning with a slightly uncomfortable stomach, I get up and within 15 mins need the loo urgently and have diarrhoea and that’s it and I don’t need to go again until the next morning and if I am on holiday it often goes the other way and I am constipated … is this classed as IBS?
Is this IBS? : Following an online consultation... - IBS Network
Is this IBS?

How did you get referred was it via your GP?I have since read there is a condition called morning diarrhea it’s on the NHS website which is also classed as a form of IBS
may I ask what you are taking for it?
I think people are affected differently. Age also is a factor because our guts change like any other organ. What was your dr looking for ..qfit/ calprotectin?

Just diseases of the bowel as far as I know
Two thingsSounds like you are sensitive to gluten and Lactose intolerant.
Write what bothers you and stop it
Not everyones symptoms are the same. But urgent loose bowel movements are a sıgn of IBS. Have you not had any other tests?
Get your GP to refer you to gastro; you may well have a long wait for an appointment but actually ruling out other things is the only way of saying you have IBS. From what you write, I would say it possibly is, but as others have mentioned, we are all different so symptoms vary a lot!
Hi. You might have tried? Change your milk and go gluten free with your bread. Oat milk is creamy. Do it for a few days and see. Good luck
Thank you
I had loss of weight and nausea my doctor referred me to 2 week fast track clinic I had gastroscopyafor upper GI where they found a blockage in a tube only slightly but they are keeping their eye out for me in future I had bloods stools CT Scan MRI then a colonoscopy with sedation it was when the camera turned a corner (technician's words) I felt a lot of pain After this the cramps came with intolerance to lots of foods Its trial and error I'm on Pantoprazole 40mg I was diagnosed with IBS It's early days I get pellet poo up to 5 times a day which I have no control over I'm incontinent with it I'm concerned when I go out and pretty fed up but I'm a positive lady who won't give in Keep trying different foods which will suit
Thank you for sharing your story, gosh you have been through the mill and I hope you find the answers you are looking for stay positive x