Hi, so when I was younger (around 5 or 6) I used to get a LOT of stomach aches and pains. I had many home/school stresses, more than a 5 year old should, and would often get anxious, which would always induce nausea.
It faded away for a number of years. But 3 years ago, when I was 15, things picked back up again. I became depressed and anxious. I didn't get the pains or the nausea, but I did have a funny tummy. It was also around this time that my brain thought it a good idea to get an eating disorder.
About a year ago, 2 and a half stone lighter, I was diagnosed with IBS. I had a bit of a dodgy gut and had to avoid dairy/gluten but I got used to it and it didn't really affect my day-to-day life. I no longer had the room to avoid food, I had to suck it up and just eat what I could without worrying about my weight.
3 months ago, I came down with what I can only describe as the worst "flare-up" of my life. I was shaking, being sick, dizzy, had breathing problems, struggled to stay concious. The shaking was so bad I had involuntary movements in my head, arms and legs. 12 weeks later... and I'm still here!
I've only experienced those very scary low points a few times, but I have spent the better part of this week in bed, shaking with headaches and pain, and quite honestly wanting to expire. The nausea and dizzyness is so bad, it feels like I'm about to die. The pains have gone from cramps to sharp, deep shooting pains all over my abdomen (mostly on the left). I've never been so scared in my life, which obviously doesn't help the symptoms. Because of this illness, I've been in bed for 3 months. I can't go to university, I have no friends. I went to IKEA for a few hours and ended up having another flare-up for 4 days.
I've apparently exhausted all my options as far the hospital are concerned. It's not Coeliacs, Crohn's, ulcers, tumours, cysts. Nothing. My bloodwork and other vital signs are all normal. From a medical stand-point, there's like a <1% chance it could be something other than IBS. They wont do scopes other than a sigmeudoscopy (spelling?) due to my age (18) and symptoms. I still have no date set for the scope.
What I want and need to know is - is THIS normal? This feeling of utter utter wretchedness? I don't understand how the human body can feel this way and it "just" be a little stress?!
I have a counsellor and a very supportive mum, but it's as though no matter how much I talk about my problems, nothing changes? I'm reaching my limit and, whilst I'd never actually do it, some days I feel like taking my own life it's so bad. Nothing makes any sense and I just want this to be over. I'm onto my 4th gastroenterologist on Wednesday, I'm losing faith.
Please, anyone who's ever gone through this similar feeling, tell me how you got out of it? It feels like I'm so alone in this, the doctors look at me like I'm muck on their shoe. So many of the medicines to treat this have lactose in, too. It feels like I'm getting nowhere. Help!