Saw a new doctor, wants me to test for gluten intolerance. So I have to eat gluten (which I was starting to avoid) for four weeks.. Then I can be tested. Doc said I can have up to EIGHT Imodium a day to control my IBS d. Had four/five for three/four days. Bungled me up completely - that's a new one! Got rid of it all eventually. Ouch.
So what's next ?: Saw a new doctor, wants me to... - IBS Network
So what's next ?
Whoa. 8 Imodium? I find even a couple makes me so painfully bloated and unable to move that most cases I'd keep the diarrhea. Any idea how you can have the benefits without the bloating?
I thought it was a lot at the time.
I don't seem to get bloating as one of my IBSd symptoms. But I certainly did feel full up before I managed to shift that lot. I started feeling nauseous, but as I'm never constipated it didn't click that was why.
It's difficult to get it right with Imodium sometimes as my diarrhoea can be quite severe, especially first thing in the morning.
Generally one a day works for me, I have just finished a course of antibiotics for a tooth abscess, that may have contributed to the diarrhoea this time.
Hi, others have mentioned before that they take Imodium liquid (usually for children) every day. This seems to control their D but doesn't bung you up! Not something I've used so I can't recommend but maybe someone else can help? Good luck.
That's interesting. I haven't heard of Imodium liquid, is it available in the UK?
I take Imodium everyday just 1-2 otherwise you will feel bloated then the next day have a panic looking for a bathroom as it needs to come out! I also drink lots of ginger and star anise it helps!! But mostly it's brought on by anxiety I find. If I stay home all day it's ok whatever happens happens but the moment I step outside the door all the horrible symptoms start. Do you think yours is anxiety related???
Yes, I do. Some foods like fats, salad, onions etc are a problem. Also alcohol, which I enjoy - but have cut down! Stress sets me off so I try to keep calm as much as possible. Thanks for the tip, do you put star anise in with fresh grated ginger and make a tea or is it a ready made drink?
Presume you've had a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy to rule out any other problem causing your symptoms
Have you considered doing your own food intolerance tests ie keeping a food and bowel movement diary and leaving out one food group for at least 3 weeks
I found that dairy was causing my symptoms and now have a completely dairy free diet. I was diagnosed newly 3 years ago at the age of 65
I had a sigmoidoscopy and an endoscopy in May and August last year. This new doctor is young and interested, should the test for gluten test come back negative she wants me to have another endoscopy that goes further down. Just the thought of it makes me want to scream. I had the last one when I was "under" for my cholecystectomy x