Confused and Stressed: I have suffered on and... - IBS Network

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Confused and Stressed

Glutenlover profile image
20 Replies

I have suffered on and off with bouts of diarrhea, sometimes i can eat the food then the next time i am poorly.I have struggled to really narrow down what is causing my most recent flare up. Ive cut out gluten as much as i can when it comes to a working day. But then im hardly eating because i dont like many gluten free foods yet.

My grandma is getting a diagnosis for possible cancer. I have noticed this is the one thing that has really changed lately that could be causing my issues. But surely stress cant be the only issue.

For the past 3 days, not today though ive had stomach cramps that would ease and then start again. Ive taken buscopan for this and it seemed to help. Then today i have gluten free cereal with some milk and got the DBM. Im trying to work through it but been sent home again as not much help on the department but i know it will ease and i can go back to work in a couple of hours.

Im worried that im going to loose my job for a flare up that has started now, but i never had jan till now. Im winding up my colleagues but i physically cant help it and then im getting more anxious that isnt helping me at all.

I dont know what to do anymore. Been to doctors previously several times had blood tests and sample of BM and feel like nothing else is happening in terms of helping me work out why.

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Glutenlover profile image
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20 Replies
JonDV profile image

I have never read so much unhelpful and inaccurate rubbish in all my life. Shame on you.

Ceasersalad profile image
Ceasersalad in reply to JonDV

I was thinking the same thing, what drivel

Misspomfrey profile image

I agree with JonDV it's scandalous that an individual such as you is allowed to put such rubbish into people's heads who are already at their wits end with worry. You should return to the 15th century where your advice might be taken seriously.

Teal1953 profile image

i agree totally with the last 2 comments, the information posted by FrostGyre is offensive and potentially dangerous, I have reported them to the forum. You are going through an awful time and are doing what we have all probably done, trying different foods to see what upsets you and what doesn't. What suits one person will not suit the next. Stress will definitely have an adverse effect. Have you tried Loperamide to help control the diarrhoea? I find it helps me, also peppermint oil capsules to help with bloating. Good luck and I hope your Grandma is okay.

xjrs profile image

I agree with the other comments apart from the first one. High protein, low carb diets are scientifically proven to cause inflammation in the body due to lack of feed for the microbiome which needs to be in a good state for overall health. The best diet for the microbiome is the Mediterranean diet which contains whole grains, healthy fats, vegetable protein, small amounts of lean meat, oily fish, nuts, seeds and fruits.

Glutenlover you are going through a lot due to what is going on in your life at the moment, which is causing you stress. Hopefully, as your stressors ease things will calm down. Maybe try Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy? There is also any form of mindfulness or meditation, though I know it can be difficult to focus on these things in challenging times.

Regarding your employment, this might be helpful:

Penneystar profile image

Oh you poor thing , I’ve had IBS for 45years and have tried the lot as diets , tablets , drinks , probiotics etc. The FOD MAP diet is the only one that made a difference, people say it’s hard to follow it’s not . But first have you tried just omiting milk from your diet, lactose can be a big issue with some people, I can eat all the cheese they recommend on the diet but cannot eat ice cream , cream , yogurt etc, , I’ve tried lactose free milks but they too upset me . Artificial sweeteners also are a huge problem in things but mainly fizzy drinks are the worse and gave me awful stomach problems within a couple of hours of consuming it, The only fizzy drink I can have is Fever Tree tonics as they are completely free of artificial sugar . These are basic things to start with , I have flare ups but it’s usually because I’ve eaten more of something than I should have done. I know it’s a long road of discovering what’s your triggers are but start with the lactose, I went down the removing wheat from my diet and it didn’t do a thing but out of that I found Brown bread was a trigger, so ditched that and have white breads. The Montash FOD MAP app is not expensive but it been my best friend in this IBS nightmare. Join the IBS forum it’s brilliant, so much advice and you can speak to a trained nurse on the phone and put questions to people who know what they are talking about. Yes there is an annual cost but it’s not a lot a there is so much brilliant information on it . They are experts , that and FOD map diet have been my strength living with this awful gut problem. IBS is usually for life but coping mechanisms are a must. Give it a try .

Glutenlover profile image
Glutenlover in reply to Penneystar

Thankyou for your advice. I spoke to the doctor again today. Having tests for cancer, stomach infections or food posioning etc to rule out everything. But shes pretty sure its ibs with my stress. But they want to work out what foods are my factor. Im gluten and lactose free at the moment and have been for a day or two. The foods rubbish but hopefully ill get used to the different taste.

Ceasersalad profile image

This is the worst advice I've ever read . You shouldn't be allowed to troll on a forum where people are suffering and looking for genuine advice . Shame on you!!!!!

Ceasersalad profile image

Hi, I'm sorry you are suffering with this . Flare ups are very stressful. You shouldn't lose your job due to this. I don't know what is your occupation but its unfair dismissal if they sack you .

You could Try peppermint oil capsules, peppermint tea helps too . Also Imodium that could stop the loose motions. I understand stress is also a big factor, try breathing exercises and don't miss meals , I know you won't feel like eating but small amounts of food . I went through a horrendous flare up and came on here for advice, this place has really helped me . I hope you feel better very soon and also your Grandma has a positive result

Edgar77 profile image
Edgar77 in reply to Ceasersalad

Have you been tested for celiac disease? Just a thought. I have celiac disease but for 12 years everything was blamed on IBS. I do have IBS but it was not the whole picture. I could not believe stress could cause so much pain but was surprised just how much a mild dose of anti depressant originally given to me for fibromyalgia has helped. I found the gluten free diet hard to follow especially 30 years ago. There was no free from then and I had to make my own bread ect ect at least I didn't have to work in those days, I just change one thing at a time. I was in denial for a few years. I didn't want to believe it was gluten as it was so hard, but I had an Auntie who kept saying you sound like me. I now have to avoid lactose as well, but there are alternatives out there once you know were to find them. I may be wrong of course so good luck finding your nemesis one thing at a time.

Glutenlover profile image
Glutenlover in reply to Edgar77

Thankyou for your response. I have been tested for that and last time it was negative. Im been tested for everything again on monday and will hopefully get the results quickly and they will then focus on helping me control it.

mentalist profile image

Stress is my major trigger and you are understandably upset about your grandma. There's some really good advice from others below. I avoid fizzy drinks because they do trigger symptoms. I would suggest going back to your doctor and telling them your fears about your health affecting your work. Also mention your worry about your grandma. I know this is really hard advice to take in the middle of a bad flare up but try to relax. Try looking online for breathing exercises and meditation advice/videos. Certain essential oils are calming too, try a few and see what works but be careful with them around babies and pets. It's very hard to calm yourself when you are suffering I know. Personally I'd ignore the advice from FrostGyre, it's no wonder he has IBS.....If he doesn't have IBS then what on earth is he doing on here if his extreme diet has cured him?

Glutenlover profile image
Glutenlover in reply to mentalist

Thankyou for your responce. I have been to see the doctor today and getting the full workup of tests again to work out what is going on. They are doing a fit test (test for colon cancer) and testing for food posioning and stomach bugs from my recent trip abroad. But she is quite sure it is ibs but wants to rule everything else out before working on my triggers.

Like i say ive had all the tests before and already know its ibs.

Im trying to stay calm with my worrying for my grandma but i also have bpd on top so my emotions are harder to control. My emotions are always extreme to the average person.

mentalist profile image
mentalist in reply to Glutenlover

Hang in there. You will get through it. Best wishes to you and your grandma.

angelwings52 profile image

Ok, apart from that idiotic reply from FrostGyre - I've reported them - I do know how you feel with these flare ups. One of the best things that I did was to have hypnotherapy for the stress related IBS - I saw a hypnotherapist but there are some good apps available - I can't recommend this enough. Have you had your gallbladder checked? I would recommend asking your doctor for further tests on this as sometimes this can be missed. I hope you feel better soon.

angelwings52 profile image

This some of the most moronic and stupid "advice" that I've read - not only is it ridiculous but it's dangerous. I've reported you to the forum as people like you shouldn't be allowed to post anything at all. Appalling.

Duncnik profile image
Duncnik in reply to angelwings52

I have also reported this dangerous advice to the forum.A diet high in animal fats is not a healthy one.

rmros profile image


Ugly_kid_jo profile image

What a load of absolute tosh! Extremely unhelpful “advice” for someone who is clearly struggling at the moment. I suggest you keep your unhelpful opinions to yourself.

Ugly_kid_jo profile image

Hi there.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through such a tough time. In my humble opinion, and from what you’ve written, I’d suggest that, diet aside, a combination of stress and anxiety are probably the major drivers behind your current stomach woes.

Whilst generally speaking for IBS it can often be useful to examine your diet to see if there are any foods that are major “triggers”… right now might not be the best time to be doing that.

Constantly worrying about what you can/can’t/should/shouldn’t be eating can in and of itself be pretty stress inducing.

I can only really suggest trying to eat a fairly bland, but balanced diet for the moment… and trying to focus on the positive, practical things that you can do to alleviate the stress and anxiety that appear to be major contributors to your ibs related problems.

I do hope things improve for you in the not too distant future. 🤞

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