I had my symptoms under control. Small issues here and there, attacks few and far between. Over the last month and half I have been constipated. I am going 5 to 7 days between movements. I take Librex and she has me on Citrucel and Metamusil. I also take anxiety meds. This is a big change. When all of this started about 3 years ago, I was very sick. I lost almost 100 pounds. and it was diarrhea then constipation. Oh...I also see a therapist for other reasons but she is aware of my IBS issues. I had to make an emergency visit to the doctor 3 weeks ago because I thought I was having a heart attack. The pain in my chest and back were horrible, I couldn't breathe. When she pressed on my belly the only part that hurt was over my liver, all that was tested and it is ok. 99% of my pain is on the left side. I have even switched to drinking only water while at work or if I am out. Otherwise I drink ice tea. Gave up everything with bubbles a long time ago. My vagal nerve symtoms have been cropping up again as well. THEY ARE NOT FUN! I am just really worried I am falling back into that horrible free fall again. There are so many foods i can't eat, I drink lactaid and I still have problems with that so I don't even get to enjoy milk at all anymore. This is exhausting me! I read up on some laxatives but they seem to cause a lot of cramping and I am already in knots! Any suggestions...ideas, I will hear you out. Thanks..
Was doing great, now not able to go.... - IBS Network
Was doing great, now not able to go....

Movicol in hot chocolate is very easy on the stomach. No cramping. The nurse who is a specialist said they are found to be the best to use for constipation. The least dangerous and least side effects. Gentlest on the stomach x
I was constipated from morphine and stomach issues had all the test and ct scan etc clear a friend told me about Apple cider vinegar the proper cloudy unpasteurised stuff. A table spoon ful in a cup of water and sip slowly over half hour within two to three hours yo go to toilet and then 2teaspoon in a glass of water per day I've never looked back as far as constipation concerned. Mother natures remedy and else clears acid reflux and keeps your system running. Hope it helps
Order it from Amazon they have loads but make sure it has the mother ingredient means it's completely unadulterated. Hope this helps