Is it common to lose quite a bit of weight with ibs c? Since my symptoms started in December I’ve lost about 2.5 stone, possible a bit more as I’m not sure of my weight before. I have changed my diet completely and and had to cut out wheat, dairy, nightshades and anything processed so the doctor thinks it’s intentional weight loss and nothing to worry about. Recent blood tests plus stool tests for inflammation and h pylori have come back clear so doctor doesn’t think further investigation is necessary. I’ve also been getting aching in my neck and starting to worry whether this is another worrying symptom or just another manifestation of anxiety. I just can’t stop worrying that something has been missed and there’s something more serious going on. I’m also dealing with my daughter’s possible thyroid condition and struggling to get her taken seriously by the consultant, which I’m finding very stressful. I’m generally quite an anxious person anyway especially about health matters. I am in a healthy weight now, I’ve always struggled a bit with my weight, usually slightly overweight but lose my appetite when I’m anxious. Any thoughts? Thanks and sorry for long waffly post
Weight loss with ibs c: Is it common to lose... - IBS Network
Weight loss with ibs c

Hey👋🏻 So sorry you’re feeling worried. Try and take comfort from your clear test. If anxiety seems to be the underlying problem, have you tried mindfulness or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I’d highly recommend this, it completely changed my way of thinking. It’s remembering your thoughts aren’t fact. Often if we are anxious we tend to catastorphise, making our anxiety worse. Hope that helps. Good luck. Xx☺️
Anxiety can cause weight loss. Like Runningmum said the good news is your tests are clear at the minute
Not clear if you changed your diet with the help of a registered nutritional therapist but if you did go back to them for the anxiety - diet can really help and if you have always been a high anxiety type it may be genetic (really easy to test for and may be to resolve!) It seems that you haven't simply gone for the commercially produced GF foods otherwise you may well have put weight on so good for you and you if you are on a healthy GF diet then you may well lose weight initially but then it should stabilise unless it is anxiety that is eating you away. I'm seeing a massive increase in anxiety 'cause of the strange times we are in.
Thanks for the reply. I changed it by myself initially by reading about fodmaps and using the monash app and tweaking it. I’ve actually been seeing a nutritionist for my daughter who also has stomach problems but in her case probably thyroid related, although she also has anxiety as well, so maybe I will ask her about this. As it was private I couldn’t afford to see a nutritionist twice. I hadn’t really thought about anxiety and diet though it it makes sense. I actually found that anything processed makes me feel worse so have had to stay away from all that stuff. We definitely have a strong family tendency towards anxiety. You mentioned a test - would kind of test would it be?