Can mebeverine be used when you have a spasm or pain or does it have to be taken before meals. I only want to take it when necessary not on a regular basis. Also I would like to know if there is an effective painkiller paracetomol does not seem to work. I used to take ibuprofen for headaches and it worked brilliantly but I think that I am not supposed to take it with ibs. What about co codamil? Any advice welcome > I know that I should be going down other routes but sometimesy painkillers seem the only answer.
Can mebeverine be taken when pain comes on or ... - IBS Network
Can mebeverine be taken when pain comes on or does it have to be taken pre meals.

Co-codamol can work for some people but if you have IBS-C it can make it worse because codeine can make you constipated. Please don't give up until you have adequate pain relief-it took me 4 years to get any pain killers that worked but now at least I have something that helps a bit when the worst episodes of pain occur. If you can identify a trigger (it's not always food or drink related!) then that's even better Good luck!
Well, I take Mebeverine three times a day - approximately 20 minutes before meals. It seems to work for me and has definitely reduced the number of spasms I get. I do still get some pain and for that I would take paracetamol, or perhaps peppermint or fennel tea, which helps me too. I think some of my pain is down to wind, so the hot tea makes a difference. I would discuss taking Mebeverine with your doctor and see if you can take it as and when, rather than regularly.
I took mebeverine when I had pain and it did nothing. Started taking it before meals and it improved my symptoms by working before they could start. The strongest painkiller I can take is codeine not co-codamol. This is preferred because you cannot take more than two tablets of co-codamol at any time because of the paracetamol and the risk of overdose. If you get codeine sulphate tablets instead from the GP, you can control your codeine dose and then take two paracetamol on top. I can't take ibuprofen and the like because I have other medical problems that are affected by it anyway. For sudden cramps I use buscopan and it's my lifesaver because I can pop two and the pain's gone within 15 mins. Also, I am on amitriptyline for a multitude of things and one of the things it works on is ibs cramps and preventing them in the first place.
Have just started a course of Mebeverine today-on the info slip -says 20 minutes before meals 3 times daily-I will do as it says -if after 2-3 weeks I feel better then may cut down the amount (maybe to x 2 daily)! There are no side effects that I have noticed-(I am a woman of over 65 and have had ibs for more years than I care to mention)!
Suggest you speak to GP - or else trust your own judgement!
Meb is an anti spasm drug,, ie that's the pain 20 mins before meal,, make the meal small,,
Mebeverine should be taken 3 times a day ideally 20mins before meals. Mebeverine is not a painkiller. It relaxes your muscles around the gut which cause cramps and pain. I have just started it ( not happy as i wouldnt even take a pain killer ) the doctor told me that this drug wouldnt work over night and takes a few weeks to begin working so taking it regulally will help.
My IBS flares up badly. If i have a glass of milk and a yogurt for instance this will set me off with bad cramps and diarhea for 4 days usually. Best thing for you to do is avoid things that flare you up whilst taking mebeverine.
I wouldnt know what pain killers are best as i dont take them havent taken them for 10 years
hi i take mebevrne 20mins before meals. i can top up with lower dosage after 2 hours if in to your GP. also i take zydol pain killer when bad-not to many as they give me a headaxhe the next day. i take buscopn if its like belly ache but mostly i get pain in rhs groin or in hip/bak pocket area. never ibrufen or codeinne.
heat generally helps me. i have aheat blancket next to bed and saves getting up making hot water bottles or micro-waving heatbags.
have you seen a specialist. ?