138 public posts
EoE (oesonophilic oesophagitis)
We are not sure how many people with achalasia have had EoE investigated and ruled out, so we are asking for people with achalasia to respond to the poll that you should be able to see on this site so that we get a better picture of the issue.
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Christmas Greetings
We also have a series of animated videos on YouTube on:
Understanding Achalasia https://youtu.be/BMEh6W6sJiQ
Diagnosing Achalasia https://youtu.be/MvfK03fmOkw
Treatments for Achalasia https://youtu.be/KKNaip0AXxA and
About our Achalasia Action charity https://youtu.be/vuVh2A4O6vI
The new year is
Finding the poll facility
I have put up a poll for Achalasia Action and have been getting complaints that people click through to the post but cannot find out where to vote. When I tried I could not find it myself! Can you help please?
Thanks, Alan
Season's Greetings!
We are due to celebrate our first year of existence as a registered charity in January and aim to continue advancing our help and support to those with achalasia in any way we can.