Changing Room Chat...WEEK 3... Anyone fanc... - Strength & Flex

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Changing Room Chat...WEEK 3... Anyone fancy Bridge ?

Oldfloss profile image
11 Replies

Hello and welcome to the Catch up Corner folks

Better late than never? I hope so... ! Gosh what a job I have had getting here this week and I do apologise for the late post...

It was skysue16 who had given me the beginnings of an idea for this post... and it just grew.

It seemed so right for many of us right now and for me, in particular too!

So grab a drink and take a seat..., training shoes slipped off and breathe !

Okay... Sky Sue has started a new chapter, with reduced working hours and she is adjusting her exercise to suit that... check out her post here.

She was talking about starting a Tai Chi class... not sure if she has done one before... Mr OF and I started one last year,.. and loved it, very, very new for us.

Changes in our lives for whatever reason can if we address them on a positive way, be really great fun and have a real impact on out physical and our mental well being.

As the saying goes, a change can be good as as rest... or a change can shake up the exercise routine!

Now, sometimes it can be a new exercise, something we never even thought of, but sometimes it can be an exercise we know about, may even have tried, or even be part of our routine...

Now... for this, the first of a series of posts on the subject of change.... I am going to start with one... that I have not really every incorporated into my routines...

So bear with me, as we cross the BRIDGE to change!

Yes I am talking about the Bridge exercise. Me , being me, I researched this and found out why we should all have a go at this... and the benefits are endless.

From boosting every aspect of flexibility to benefiting your balance... strengthening the core and potentially slimming your waistline.

Mind, body, and mood are all impacted by this one simple exercise!

( I really need something like this right now!)

So, so many benefits, that they are too many to list, just do a quick search around and see for yourself.

So... how do we go about doing this... especially if we have not done it before!

The way we breathe is apparently really important... we are asked to think about our breathing...We should try to allow our breath to deepen, as we do the exercise, and become aware of it,

Also, to be very mindful of our body and how it is moving... the benefits are not only for the body, but the mind, also. is a definition of how to do a Bridge.

We put a mat or towel, on the floor.

* We lie on our back. Knees raised and feet flat.

* We exhale, lifting our bottom up from the floor.

* Thighs and knees parallel.

* Keep the body forming a straight line from shoulder to knee.

* Rest arms, palms down by our sides, or clasp them together under the bridge.

* Hold for 10 seconds and up to I minute.

* Lower the bottom to the floor and build up the number of repeats.

Did you follow that... not sure that I did !


Bridge for Beginners.

I am going to put a link here. There are many out there. Just search for Simple Beginners Bridge Exercise.

Now... I am going to give this a try...but, is there anyone out there going to join me. That would be really good fun, but if you don't fancy the Bridge... is there another exercise which you have thought of, or heard of which you may like to try?

We have so, so many links on here. I am sure there may be some thing, one thing that you think, Yeayyy, I can do that!

So.. your turn now... have you done the Bridge... have you heard of the Bridge... do you use the Bridge as part of an exercise routine already?

If not... might you give it a go?

So many questions ! I cannot wait to see if anyone takes up the call ! I am not sure whether I shall be sitting here alone until next week... but I shall post my progress anyway!

Meantime.. sit back and just rest a while, plenty of time to think about this!


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Oldfloss profile image
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11 Replies
skysue16 profile image

Thank you for this post OF 😊 The link is very interesting. Coincidentally I actually attended my first ever Pilates class on Monday evening and of course we did a bridge! 😀 I have wanted to try Pilates for a while now so really pleased that a new local class was starting. I loved it 👍😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toskysue16

Hi and thank you for the idea...! This is great, a new exercise and a new class. Pilates ! Bridge included too!

You say you loved the class... ddi you find the exercises very different than other things you have done beofre, or are there some similar ones. I have to admit I cannot get to grips with Pilates, but I am not sure why! The class we tried, had an awful lot of lying flat on the floor, which I simply cannot do. An old neck injury, means that my neck always needs some support.

We have loads of links on here when we have had Pilates challenges, but we would love you to post some of your experiences with your new class, please... if you have a bit of free time :) Thnk you so much for sharing !

skysue16 profile image
skysue16 in reply toOldfloss

Yes, I will do a post 😊 Ironically I tripped and fell at work the day after my first class so not sure if the aches and pains are from Pilates or the fall!! 🤔😂 (most likely the fall - I went down with a big thud, my colleagues came running over!)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toskysue16

Thanks you.... but oh my! Gosh,, are you okay! We do not fall in the same way as we did whilst small!

I hope you are not too badly hurt x

skysue16 profile image
skysue16 in reply toOldfloss

My feet got caught round the legs of a ‘sand tray’! Wrist was a little swollen and a few bruises but all fine now, thank you 😊👍

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Does rite 4 of the Tibetan rites count? It’s kind of like a bridge? Just with additional lifting yourself additionally on your arms and hands, helping to stretch those shoulders and upper back.

I’m still doing daily 7 reps but not always on the morning.

This Rite 4 is hard for me . But it actually has helped my bridging.

According to some instructors, it brings “clarity and strong personality”! And is apparently named “joyfulness”! 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toCBDB

Oh gosh... yes! Hello ! It does certainly count. I never made the connection... not thinking clearly!

This is reallly interesting.. and it demonstrates how sometimes, we are already doing an exercise within an an arm workout, but incorporating squats !

Huge well done you... I am still trying to get those rites in as and when... they do impact more than we realise!

Thanks you !

Dexy5 profile image

Hello OF, I’m just popping in for a flying visit. I’d been doing Pilates for years, even before I started running . But I had to take a pause due to a shoulder (rotator cuff) injury. It supports running well, and I have really missed the benefits. I have currently got a niggle in my glute/hip/knee and my physio has given me the bridge exercise to do, with an exercise band tied above the knees.

I’m going to go back to those classes again to improve strength and flexibility. Thanks for the nudge.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toDexy5

Hello and than you for flying in today ! I remember that you do Pilates and yes, that pesky shoulder injury!

You say it really supports the running... I wish I could get into it.. maybe a dedicated standing Pilates routine?

It is interesting that the physio has given you a Bridge exercise, although it sounds really complicated! How does that even work with an exercise band,,, maybe UTS could provide a photo!!! :)

I hope you can get back into the class soon, because I know how frustrating the time has been, whilst you could not do all the things you would wish.

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences !

Dexy5 profile image

I have seen a mention of a standing Pilates routine, so if I can find the link I will post it.

This is the bridge with the band tied above knees. You keep pressure against the band throughout the exercise. You also need to hold the abs in while doing it to protest your back. This is not me of course. 😂

Lady doing Pilates bridge exercise.
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toDexy5

Brilliant... thank you so much ! Are you sure that is not you :) 😉

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