Hello and welcome to the Changing Room at the start of a very buy week ! Grab a seat, a cool drink and rest a while.
Well, things are getting busy for so many of us, and maybe, just maybe, we need to take a little bit of extra care of ourselves.
I know that I am trying to up my workouts a little, making sure I start each day with a gentle session of YWA and sneaking in some extra moves, when I feel the need, physically or mentally!
We all know what sort of stuff we should be doing to support our bodies...the ideas here on the forum are extensive, but, in keeping with the idea of putting a little bit of fun into our workouts, this week... I have saved this one up!
Because... I though that we could, if we have the time... ha ha ha...
"Dance our Way to the Winterval Celebrations to come"!
Dancing, as a workout? I can see some of you head shaking, or nose wrinkling... but do not dismiss it out of turn.
As well as being fun, it is, actually, good for us! A great cardio workout, that can be tweaked or adapted to all our levels!
The benefits are many, and varied... improving heart health, reducing stress, the list goes on., and like so many things we do, when those feel good endorphins are released into our body, they work their special magic.
There is a heck of a lot of choice out there too...quite literally, something for everyone! From Ballet to Zumba and everything in between.
Today though I have chosen a few links I feel may be useful...
Some great ones... just for us.... and some for workouts with the family. Children finishing school for the holiday, lots of energy to burn, small ones needing to curb the excitement and for us... maybe time to let our hair down and shake it all up a bit !
You may want to check some out first, as they can be fairly energetic!
Take a look and scroll around... you may find something that appeals!
Dance Marshall
Not so youngsters... Just type this one in
Senior Shape with Lauren
Christmas Workout π 20 minute Walking & Dance Cardio βοΈ Beginner & Senior Friendly!
My particular favourites are some of the Dance Marshall ones... the Christmas ones are funky! Well, they get me shaking it all up anyway!
This was the first one I ever did, and I do this, every Christmas Eve morning !!!!
Yes... I know, the mind boggles !
So... are you up for it...do you do any dance work-outs at all... have you any favourite songs that you do like to move to?
More importantly...will you give it a try...? Go on... give it a go!
A feel good, beneficial fun session, to get everything moving and hopefully making us smile
Hoping some folk, may join me here this week...but if not, ( I know how busy folk are), I shall be boogieing along, quite happily
Oldfloss! xxx
You may need to cut and paste if the links are not working ! Some glitches happening at the moment!