A few of us are going to keep going and see if we can do the whole year.
I have absolutely loved moving every day of January and feel mentally and physically fitter.
So it is more inclusive for everyone feel free to jump in and do months or whole weeks whenever you can fit them in.
From February the first we will be starting the new month so if you want to do a whole month don’t forget to join in. Or start with the first week in February and see how you get on.
All you have to do is do something that makes you move for 15mins or more a day, a walk, a yoga session, a swim a run or anything that keeps you moving.
When I am tired I do a big stretch session for 20 mins and it has been really good for me.
Here is a fresh clean calendar, let’s get these blank spaces filled in, please free to share your calendars when you get a week filled in. I would love to see what everyone is doing.
So please join in.
Rfc x