Does anyone else have severe Raynaud's? I've on occasion lost all my toenails and all the skin on my feet. Has now grown back but just wondered?
Feet: Does anyone else have severe... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Hi, looking at your foot it could well be a picture of mine. My nails have been rotten for about 3years now, didn't want to go on medication. However nothing else i tried worked, so have just resorted to taking a course of terbinafine to get rid of the fungus. Which after 3 months is just beginning to work. The skin on my feet was also very flakey and looked awfful. Again all the creams i was prescribed didn't work. Aloe Vera moisturer has made a great difference. Hope this helps.
Hi AnnieMc, there's no infection in my toenails or on my skin, I do moisturise them though. Thanks for your reply.
hi my son has severe raynards on his hands and feet he only 15 and he is having the same problems and has problems picking up things and doing buttons and zips up
Hi Wendy, have you joined RSA? They really do have some useful aids, mostly for hands.. the website is and I have been to a Regional Seminar which was very useful.
yes l have joined and have found out more
Recently tried a handbath with ginger (yes, the cake mix spice) which is meant to be good for circulation. It did seem to help. May just have been lucky but will use it again to see if it actually seems to make a difference.
Mustard powder, an old fashioned remedy, may also be worth trying.
If you are under a rheumatologist, you could ask to be referred to a podiatrist at your local hospital. It won't cost you and may be helpful particularly in deciding if in fact you have a bacterial infection or whether it is simply a matter of the poor circulation to your feet. Drugs such a nifedipine may be worth a try - speak to your GP if you haven't already tried it.
Hi AHM - no infection, didn't get on with nifedipine and see my GP either once a week or every few weeks. 43 weeks between appointments for rheumatologists, 78 weeks to date to see Occupational Therapist and still waiting. Already seen Orthopaedics and Trauma and seen the Podiatrist who made up innersoles. But thank you for your reply. Oh and don't forget each trip to these doctors costs me £50 per round trip in a taxi. So have to weigh up heating/food and taxi trips. This week already I've paid out £48 on Thursday, Monday £12 and today a further £24. so in under a week already spent £84 in four days
Are you receiving DLA (Disability Living Allowance) to help pay these costs? I know this is changing in a few months time to PIP but may be worth looking into if not already done so.
Citizens advice completed my forms and provided photographic evidence of the bruises, cuts etc to my knees and legs. Apparently having to move about by crawling is acceptable as a form of mobility. So not entitled to mobility. Also my mother is my carer as I fall over so much and have accidents getting into and out of the shower, oh and dropped so many pans of boiling water etc... damaged my hands - latest scabs are now formed over and I no longer try to cook etc. By the way my mother is terminal with duodenal cancer.