Hello everyone,
Just wondering, those of you with reflux... how often have you had an endoscopy to check for Barrett's etc?
I last had an endoscopy a little over five years ago and didn't have Barrett's then, but was wondering if I need to have one again at some point, as my reflux is much worse now.
I used to try and manage mostly without PPIs but I've had to go back on them a lot more frequently recently as my flare-ups are getting more and more regular.
I've been reading about an amazing new surveillance tool called the Cytosponge, whereby you swallow a pill with an expanding sponge inside, on a thread, which is pulled back out along with a sample of cells which can diagnose Barrett's. Takes ten minutes. So much easier than an endoscopy. It's already being used widely in the NHS in Scotland. And England are doing a mass trial of it. I'd love to be part of it, but as I live in Wales, I'm not eligible. Maybe some of you might be interested. Details below.
Anyway, it would be great to hear if any of you have had it yet, or if you have regular endoscopies.
My rheumatologist has just offered me a Barium Swallow, but as I've had a lot of X-rays and CTs in the last few years, I'm worried about radiation doses. Probably silly, I know. But we have so much to think about with our condition. And a barium doesn't show Barrett's, so I'm not keen.
Thanks for any advice, guys. So grateful.