I have a small ulcer below a corn on my little toe. I want it to heal quickly, what can I do?
Feet.: I have a small ulcer below a... - Scleroderma & Ray...

I have suffered with chronic ulcers this winter that seemed to apparently heal and then break out again with abandon.
One in particular caused particular concern as it got infected and on good Friday I was at A&E as it felt as if infection was moving right up my arm (a finger ulcer).
I was sent home at the time and although strongly advised not to attempt to break the skin I felt that if the area popped the gunk would exit.
I had tried to cause this to happen by bathing in in hot water but it would not pop.
After leaving the hospital I made a dressing and filled it with RAW MANUKA HONEY. I make a point of saying RAW as most honey including Manuka honey is processed and removes the good ingredients. The honey provided a drawing effect and the infected ulcer burst and green gunk exited. But along with that I took high dose vitamin c several times a day to encourage healing from within the body as well. The hospital were talking about opening my finger up and debriding it. They arranged for an mri to get a more detailed idea what they were up against. When I was called for the mri the ulcer had healed. Worth trying something similar.
If you have Raynaud's go to the doctors or call your consultant asap - you need to get it treated medically to reduce the risk of infection. The treatment should also ensure it heals quickly
It depends what you mean by quickly. We don't do quickly.
Hello, I think you need specialist help, it will not heal quickly with poor circulation in your feet. Do you have Scleroderma? I have had 2 corns under my right big toe for 2 years, about 6 months ago I was at the local NHS chiropodist when he said that there was pus coming out! I went into panic mode, knowing that there was a podiatry ulcer clinic at Chapel Allerton Hosp, Leeds I got in touch with them. They said that it might be calcium, as it can be hard or soft like pus. They dressed it with Inadine and after a couple of weks it healed, the corns are still there. I don't know where you live, if Leeds is a possibility then I can give you a telephone number. Alternatively you could try one of the specialist nurse telephone help lines published by the RSA. You must see either a consultant or a specialist podiatrist. In the meantime I would try to keep the foot warm and use the honey as suggested. Best of luck.
I was advised by consultant bath feet 3 /4 times a day in hot water and salt it worked for me gill Bridgnorth