I have had secondary Raynauds for the past 10 years in my hands, feet and knees. Normally I can keep it pretty controlled with socks, gloves and heaters all over the place. Apparently I am not doing as good of a job as I thought. The other day, I noticed that my big toenail was almost half off. Anyone else experience this?
Toenail fell off...??: I have had... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Toenail fell off...??
LisaP hi !
I too have secondary Raynauds - CREST to be exact I too have recently lost an entire big toe nail :))) Hope this doesn't sound too gory but is it attached at the nail bed or on the sides ?
Mine was left only at the side & gradually just 'fell off' I sought adviceo form the chiropodist...
Do you have somone you can ask ? I have had 2 infeections in that toe but I am not sure whether any nail will ever grow back ..... whatever do you do not tug at it .... AliW xx
Hi, well last year I lost all of my toenails. My big toenails were the first and gradually the others came off.
The first thing that happened in my case my toenails turned black and then eventually all popped off. I now cover up my 'new' toenails with a nail polish as the colour of my toes is disgusting.
My finger nails and toe nails are all wierd since I have had MCTD. They grow in with deep ridges, or strange angles and shapes. Or in some cases big dents in them. Never normal and they are weird coloured as well. None have fallen off yet but they look terrible. I just try to keep them as short as possible so it isn't as noticeable.
I first noticed deep ridges in all of my toenails this summer. Most of my smaller toes have grown it out, but on my big toes, the ridges are pretty deep. Half of my left toenail is off completely now, and the right one looks like it's about to go too. I went to my PCP and she said that something must have happened 3-6 months ago where my Raynauds was so severe that it really hurt the nail bed. She said it was semi-normal for people like us to have nails fall off. Great huh? Besides being blue all the time, now we can be toenailess freaks! Who needs toenails anyway? I am going to start telling people I just ran a marathon and that's why they are falling off....sounds way cooler than constricted bloodflow to the hands and feet.. LOL
i took bad nail fungus ten years later still trying to get rid of it at 4th attempt im on terbanifine tabs only thing i got to take them for a year side affects at first are upset stomach ride the storm with it ,and can make you a bit down but it passes your liver function must be ok to take these Gp would advise you get bloods done good luck my fungus is about 70 percent clear years ago the nails were inbedded in a hard fungus was so painfull these tablets work but takes years to heal nearly ther good luck i have reynauds