(This is a longer version of the article on page 8 of 'Hot News' - The Raynauds and Scleroderma Association's quarterly newsletter / magazine )
This is just too good to not share !
In September 1997 I was officially given my ‘systemic sclerosis and raynauds’ diagnosis. There in after the roller coaster journey began.
Anyone else who is also on this diagnostic life ride will understand the numerous implications involved on this journey. After 10years plus of taking a cocktail of immunosuppressants, as well as spending most of last year on antibiotics for the digital ulcers on my fingers, I hit a turning point in December 2012.
My diet had gradually decreased in variety, as well as quantity, over the course of the diagnosis years, mainly due to the ongoing changes with my gi tract, as almost everything I consumed induced painful acid due to the systemic sclerosis.
Well, following 7 days of being put on my back with a virus, my epiphany moment came. Enough was enough with constantly feeling lethargic, sluggish, and not to mention the chronic pain piercing my musculoskeletal system from year to year.
I researched into buying a juicer. I had read in numerous articles the benefits of juicing and going on a ‘raw’ diet, but had casually dismissed them, telling myself ‘that could not be for me as my acid would love that !’
But having spent another week of my life in my bed courtesy of being ill, I was up for anything which would make me feel better. I got onto Jason Vale juicemaster’s website ( and got my juicer and literature delivered the next day – too easy ! Jason has devised a 7day juice plan which he promotes loses 7lbs in weight, but the weight loss was a bonus for me as my main priority is to put fresh wholesome nutrition in to my body, to detoxify from all of the prescription medicines, as well as provide my cells with the best natural fuel to restore them back to their natural state of health and well being!
I got started on with the 7 day plan and by day 2 I could feel a shift. By day 7 my energy levels had increased dramatically, however, I was by then looking forward to eating some solid food! At the time of writing this I am on Day 91 of incorporating fresh juice mixtures in to my daily diet routine. I can also say that the constant sluggishness which I had been feeling for years, has dramatically reduced and although my raynauds limits me with my trips out and about, it is just great to feel better! As well as my ‘muffin 6 pack top’ has become a shadow of its former self!
An example of my daily routine now is : breakfast, alpen (no sugar added) + unsweetened soya milk, followed by a smoothie made from juicing grapefruit, pineapple, orange, apple and blending with probiotic natural yogurt + banana + blueberries. I have read in one of Jason’s books that grapefruit is good for reducing calcium deposits, which have been a huge challenge to me over the last decade as well as the scarring that they leave.
Over the course of the day I will have a super green juice which comprises of juicing together apples, pineapple, cucumber, lime and then blending with wheatgrass powder, spirilina + a high strength probiotic capsule. Surprisingly the intense green colour resulting liquid tastes quite pleasant. But having been a ‘snake bite and black’ girl for a while at university, I had inadvertently and unknowingly prepared myself for such an experience!
My other meals will now include chicken or fish accompanied with a variety of steamed vegetables or a turbo salad, consisting of everything which takes my fancy from the salad bar. I have cut out all bread / yeast products, potatoes and my sluggishness / bloated feeling has subsided. I no longer start my day with a mug of sweet milky tea, thinking this was my ideal turbo start followed by a slice of white bread buttered toast, replacing it with hot water and a slice of lemon or mint tea. I am not sure if I have lost weight as I do not possess a set of scales, however, I do feel more toned and even my skin feels softer! Alas, I admit that I have succumbed to a few cakes and chocolates here and there, after the first 7 days of just juicing!
I am still taking my tablet medication for my raynauds as well as having the omeprazole nearby but my gi problems, mainly acid, have certainly improved during the last 5 weeks !
It is my intention to continue feeling better and wanting to feel good – Ive still got dreams to fulfil and a diagnosis to erase! If you give juicing a try, I hope that you have great results with it also, reigniting and reboosting your natural energy circuit to get reaching for the stars again.