I live in Spain and have been told I need a TAC AR test. From what I can tell on the internet it is a High Resolution Thoracic Computed Tomography - has anyone had one of these. If so what is it like?
Has anyone had a High Resolution CT s... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Has anyone had a High Resolution CT scan of chest

I have scleroderma which has affected my lungs and caused lung fibrosis. I had a CT scan of my lungs just over 12 months ago and I had another one last month, this is to check whether my condition is stabilising. The test is very simple with no discomfort and will show any scarring caused by scleroderma.
Thanks I have secondary Raynauds and they are trying to find what it is secondary to
Is it the same as one on the body scans where you lie on a flat bed and they slide you inside a tube?
Sandraj, I have them regularly too - its more like a giant polo, so it doesnt make you feel claustrophic. Only slight discomfort is putting my arms above my head which hurts my shoulders a bit
Thanks, I just like to get an idea of what I am going to have to do, as once I get there all my tests / treatments etc are always all in Spanish.
I had one recently too. You're not enclosed and it's not noisy (like MRI scans). You just lie down with you hands behind your head and they move you forward into the Polo mint! Mine was done in five minutes. I was most impressed
Thanks that is good news, I had an MRI and hated it
Much more pleasant than an MRI. Nothing to worry about