This is the first time she has done this. I asked her why and she seemed reluctant to comment. She just said it was good to check. Has this happened to anyone else and do you know what she was looking for.
I went for my yearly heart scan today... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I went for my yearly heart scan today relating to my scleroderma. I was surprised when she also did a scan of my throat, chest and stomach.

All these scans we get are to check what is going on with our scleroderma particularly the parts that are known to be areas that can be affected, with a view to treating them. Remember it is not curable but whatever we get can be aliviated with tratment. Your radiologist is quite right to scan your throat, chest and stomach and if she finds anything it can be treated, the sooner the better. She is good one that one. You are lucky.
Best wishes.
They are probably checking your valves and aorta and checking the right pressures on these main arteries that lead directly from your heart. A good radiographer should do this with a cardiac scan.
Unless you've already been diagnosed with Scleroderma in the oesophagas, they could be looking for this. I had mine discovered with tubes down throat etc. but they would look for any changes with the scan, presumably??
I dont think a cardiac radiographer is allowed to check for other 'things' they are not trained in all parts of the anatomy as far as i,m aware, and have to only look at what is designated on the sheet sent from the original dr. I,m sure they will be looking at aorta and carotid arteries.
These scans are very important, as they can show up things that the doctors can't see. I have had a scan and they have found that I might have P.A.H. So you see they are very important as I have just stated. Good luck
I have all of those scans every year. Checking blood flow etc as said the scans show what the dr can't see and if there Is something going on if caught early enough may be treatable. Good luck!
Thanks for all your replys.