I have limited systematic scleroderma for 10 years affecting hands and joints with calcium deposits xx due to bowel problem need a ct scan with contrast is this okay to have dye contrast into your arm With my condition will the dye effect kidneys . Your advice appreciated thank you I have scan for 28 dec 2023 xx
ct abdominal scan with contrast - Scleroderma & Ray...
ct abdominal scan with contrast

I’ve had contrast quite a few times with no ill effect at all and I’m highly reactive to random chemicals and other things. I have systemic sclerosis and sjogrens plus hypothyroidism. But I know others who have had very adverse reactions so it’s one of those unknowns really. I know that there are other ways of checking bowel problems that don’t involve contrast but I guess as it’s first time for you then you won’t know until you’ve had it. Sorry I can’t be more helpful but good luck 😊
I had contrast with a heart cath and had anaphylactic shock almost immediately after it was injected. That was some years ago and maybe things are better now. But it was an awful experience.
I doubt things are better now. I’ve had anaphylaxis twice and Stevens Johnson Syndrome once but fortunately not to contrast. It depends what they are checking for but a colonoscopy or MRI or a colon transit study would all probably be safer first option I’d have thought
I just read about SJS. Sorry you had that reaction. Hope it was mild.
I’ve had contrasts with no ill effect. I’m afraid it’s one of those your mileage may vary, but, like OldTed I’ve had no problems
Hi , Good Morning,
I have had both MRI and CT with contrast in the last month, no adverse side affects but as OldTed and LupKnits said it’s depends on the individual, They advised after to drink plenty of fluids to flush your system, I made sure I drank plenty of water.
Good luck
Like Oldted60,I have had a number of scans with contrast, without any problem. I have LSSc,with overlap sjorgrens, fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism. In my experience my latest blood test is checked to see that my kidney s are functioning OK, but I do have 3monthly blood tests as I am on Methotrexate. Hope it goes well for you.