Hello, My hands cant straighten as many of you experienced but I’m unable to straighten my leg, it’s like trying to straighten my fingers. I’ve researched & hadn’t found similar situation. Anyone?
Unable to extend legs at knee - Scleroderma & Ray...
Unable to extend legs at knee
You don't have calcinosis in your knee? Scleroderma is a form of inflammatory arthritis, so it could be that this is a symptom for you, or that you have some osteoarthritis too.
Hello, I haven't heard of this being an aspect of Scleroderma.
Sounds very distressing. Could be a form of myopathy, so worth asking your consultant.
When I ripped a knee meniscus and couldn't walk much and had to wait months for surgery, afterwards I had a problem with being able to fully extend my knee. It felt like a big rubber band was tight and I had to pull against it to extend. It was like the fascia had gotten really sticky and tight. Same thing still happens with my arms, especially my right.
I had to work with a physical therapist to loosen up the leg tissue. Lots of cycling, exercises and deep massage. In my arms it felt like bubble wrap inside. Water exercise in a pool helps me the most to maintain good range of motion.
My knees stick like they’re in cement when I sit and then try to stand I am weak and takes a while to straighten them. I have same problem when I have stood for a while they set in a straight position and difficult to flex! It’s so frustrating. Also get pain like bruised feeling around the knee cap. I’m struggling massively with stairs. What helped u the most and how long did this last? I hope you are improved. Xx
Hi! Has your health care provider assessed your knees yet?
Sometimes arthritis makes one's knees feel locked and stiff like that after sitting still for awhile. Imaging (x-rays, MRIs) may help rule out bony changes versus soft tissue changes.
My issue seems to be an overgrowth or sticky-locking-down of fascia--the slippery connective tissue that lies around muscles, etc. If I don't do pretty vigorous exercise or get deep massages, it's like vines are growing and wrapping around my joints--but it is not the joint itself--it is like the tissue above and below it is stuck.
In summer when I can swim every day my range of motion greatly improves. We closed up our pool 8 weeks ago and I am getting stiff and tight again. I am trying stretching bands when I am sitting in my office throughout the day and probably need to go get a deep massage. When I could afford to have a deep massage every two weeks, I was in heaven. It made my ability to move my joints and limbs their full range so much better.
When I don't work on it within a week I start getting bad again.
I read a research study that said results don't last if you stop exercising or working on it--you go right back to as bad as you were. But that there are good results during treatment. I am looking for more studies but dang we need so much more research!
Thank you for your reply. I see my consultant on 4th December so I will see what he says re MRI. I know a lot of it is my fear of it giving way or hurting so I change the way I move to compensate and I think this is probably only exacerbating the issue! When I go for long walks both knees really ache and swell up afterwards. My knees and calf’s are permanently swollen at present!
Anyway let’s see what my doc says. Wishing u well and I appreciate your reply. Can I just check what is your actual diagnosis and what meds are you on?
Take care. Xx