I have an ache and stiffness in both my hips, left knee and really sore ankles. I abandoned my 10 mile run yesterday after only 4 miles. Is this the normal joint pain that people talk about? Should I just expect it ?
Joint soreness and stiffness - Scleroderma & Ray...
Joint soreness and stiffness

Yes, but don't take it for granted. It could be something else apart from the fact that in sclerodorma pains come and go.
Hi, I agree with zenabb, pain comes and goes, no set pattern to it. Over the weekend my left wrist was painful, its gone now, who knows where it will be next! In the past its been my hips, ankles, shoulders, neck, knees, sometimes a combination! sometimes stand alone pain, we never stop learning from this condition. Take care xxx
Hi, Snap, you sound like me in the mornings, I have raynauds too, It almost seemed I had pain all over yesterday, Have you been diagnosed with Arthritis? if so what Type?
Hi jax. I have reynards also but no diagnosis of arthritis
I am so impressed with the 10 mile run!!
Haha but I didn't actually do 10 miles..
Just 4 ! Heading out the door in a min for 3 miles though
I’ve just been diagnosed with limited schleroderma and fibromyalgia. The rheumatologist seems to the think that all the pains that I’m experiencing is more the fibro than the schleroderma . My pain were coming in odd patterns, one day it would be ankle pain , then elbow, another day it would be knee pain.
I always have hand puffiness and pain though every day.
My treatment has just started. Hydroxichloiquine for the schleroderma and amytriptiline for the fibro.
I too was a keen runner, now can’t even run to the shop lol x