l have Reynaud's phenomenon and coped has best l could with it all my life, trying all different drugs from my doctor only being able to stay on them short times due to up setting my tummy, l have been feeling so tried and no energy i can sleep the clock round and now l have been having dizzy spells and feeling so cold. i have booked in to see the doctor and also to ask him about the red dots on my face feeling so low. has any one else had this.
tiredness and low energy : l have... - Scleroderma & Ray...
tiredness and low energy

Your Raynaud may have changed to scleroderma or something else. You need to be referred to a rheumatologist as soon as possible. Best wishes.
Hi thank you for your reply l thought this may be the case. thank you l will look for help for this if this is the case has l have to see my doctor. thank you again.
Hi, Liz2beth22. Ask your doctor to check your Vitamin D levels. I am prescribed Vitamin D which overcomes my fatigue. Ask if low potassium can attribute to dizzy spells. Feel better soon.
Hi Intimeslikethese, thank you for your help been to see my doctor this morning and oxygen level, Blood pressure , weight he's said was all fine, going to get full blood tests tomorrow so see how things are when they come back. I will mention about Vitamin D it helps with fatigue to him. thank you for your support. stay warm.
Check your blood pressure, they have me on BP medication to control my esophagus varacies caused by portal hypertension and my pulmonary hypertension due to the c.r.e.s.t syndrome. They adjusted my med and my dizziness and fatigue are a bit better.
Hi Vtoria been to see the Doctor this morning checked blood pressure, oxygen level and weight is fine. going for full blood tests tomorrow, so l hope there is a simple answer to it all. when l got back home l slept for two hours and this is not like me at all. thank you for your support and advice. keep well and warm
Hope your appointment goes well. I also had Raynauds for years and some red marks on my face that I put down to bad complexion (I'm not fussy about my appearance). I also had acid reflux for years. I actually asked my GP on a rare visit about something else if he thought I had scleroderma and fortunately for me he said it was a strong possibility, ordered a blood test and referred me straight to a rheumy (the answer was yes!). Your tiredness may be completely unrelated, it may also be due to vit D, iron or another deficiency, (I have both, probably due to scleroderma). Have a look at the SRUK website to see some of the other symptoms and if you have any of them then make sure you point them out to your GP and that he/she takes your concerns seriously. AT the very least I would expect a full blood suite and an ANA blood test. Hope it goes well for you .. and welcome!
Hi Cowhide, been to see the Doctor this morning going for a full blood test tomorrow at the Hospital so hopefully l shall know more when the results come back has my doctor found my blood pressure weight and oxygen level was fine. but l will look at SRUK website for the other symptoms on there thank you . you have to learn has much has you can to say well has possible. thank you for your information this is much appreciated and to all the ladies that have replied back. Thank you.