Backs of my arms always cold, I have Raynaud's, but this is a "different" sort of cold. Don't really know how to describe, effects me even when rest of me warm! Any Ideas?
Cold backs of arms: Backs of my arms... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Cold backs of arms
I am sorry I can't help. Best wishes.
Hi foxglove. I know what you mean - sometimes the tops of my legs feel like they're in a draft and are icy cold. I've even thought that rain had got into the car as I felt like I was sitting on a cold damp seat - I'm there feeling the seat for dampness and hubby thinks I'm crackers. It's just something that happens occasionally. I keep telling people to shut the door there's a draft but they all insist there isn't one. I just put it down to the strangeness of Raynaud's or maybe we have an exceptionally cold ghost creeping about.
New here folks...I haven't been diagnosed/haven't been to my doctor, but I have been experiencing cold arms (top back bicep areas) now for over 3+months and it only happens through the night...I am not ill, 52 years old, eat decent, overall healthy, and take only a multivitamin once/day, BUT this is weird...I realise you made this post several years ago- Have you found out anything new from the cold arms?